Crease Set Editor list and action buttons

Crease Set list

When you select objects/components in your scene, the crease set(s) that contain the objects/components are highlighted in the Crease Set list. To apply commands to a crease set, you must first select it in the Crease Set list.

Tip: Click any of the list headings to sort the crease sets in ascending or descending order.
The name of the crease set. Double click the Set field to rename the crease set.
The level of hardness applied to the components in the set. To edit the level of hardness, double click the Crease field and change the value manually or middle-drag in the field to increase or decrease the value.
The number of creased components in the crease set.
The number of selected creased components belonging to the crease set.

Crease Set Editor action buttons

Creates a new crease set containing the selected components (polygonal edges and vertices). If any of the selected components are part of another crease set, they will be moved to the new crease set.
Adds the selected component(s) to the current crease set. If any of the selected components are part of another crease set, they will be moved to the current crease set.
Removes the selected component(s) from the current crease set.
Selects the members of the crease set in the scene. If you have any components selected in your scene that are not part of the current crease set, the intersection of these components with the current crease set will be selected instead.
Removes the selected component(s) from the current crease set.

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