Extend Curve Options

Use the following options to set what happens when you select Curves > Extend > Extend Curve.

Extend Method

Distance lets you enter a value for the length of the Extension Type.

Point extends to a world space position you specify in Point To Extend To.

Extension Type

Linear extends the curve in a straight line:

Circular extends the curve as an arc:

Extrapolate maintains the tangent of the selected curve.

Extend Curve At

Start extends the curve from its start point.

End extends the curve from its end point.

Both extends the curve at both ends.

Join to Original

Attaches the curve extension to the original curve. If off, the input curve and the curve extension are independent objects. You can transform the extension separately.

Remove Multiple Knots

Removes the multiple knots that Maya creates when Join To Original is turned on.

Keep Original

Keeps the original curve after the extension is created. If both Keep Original and Join to Original are off, the extension curve replaces the original curve.

Input Curve

Input Curve information is read-only. It gives you access to the input curve you extended. Click the arrow button to select the curve and open that section of the Attribute Editor.

Input Point

This is the same as Point To Extend To in the options window.

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