
MASH Placer allows you to place or modify points in your scene by dragging the mouse cursor over existing surfaces or points respectively.

You can place points in the following ways:

Like all brushes, you can also hold B + drag to adjust the brush size or hold N + drag to adjust the brush strength.

Placer Node

Brush Type
Determines how dragging the mouse cursor affects points. Options include:
  • Add Brush: Dragging over an object places points on its surface.
  • Delete Brush: Dragging over existing points removes them.
  • Collide Brush: Dragging over existing points spaces them out to avoid collisions.
  • ID Brush: Dragging over existing points assigns the Paint Id to them.
  • Nudge Brush: Dragging over existing points pushes them away from the center of the brush in the direction of the drag.
  • Move Tool, Rotate Tool, Scale Tool: Dragging over existing points selects them with the appropriate transform tool.
Brush Radius
Determines the radius within which points are placed when Scatter is enabled, scaled when holding Ctrl or Shift, collided when using the Collide Brush, or deleted when using the Delete Brush.
Brush Spacing
Determines how closely points are created when placing.
Brush Strength
Determines how quickly points scale up when Shift + dragging over them.
Creates multiple points at a time randomly within the brush radius.
Scatter Density
Determines how many points are created as the mouse moves when Scatter is enabled.
Collide on Create
Calculates point collisions as you are placing them. Options include:
  • Off: Collisions are ignored while placing points.
  • Collide: Points are automatically pushed away from each other on creation, but may still intersect as the point will be created regardless of how full the area is.
  • Strict: Points are only created if there is space for them.
Rotation Mode
Determines how points are oriented as you are placing them. Options include:
  • Off: Points are not rotated.
  • Align to Mesh: Points are aligned to the mesh faces they are placed on.
  • Align to Brush: Points are aligned to the direction of the brush stroke.
Lean Amount
Rotates points towards the Paint Mesh's surface normals.
Push Along Normal
Translates points along their normal as they're placed. Useful for making points hover over the mesh.
Align Brush Axis
Limits an alignment operation (hold J + drag) to affect just the specified axis.
Random Scale
Scales points randomly between the specified amounts upon creation.
Random Rotation
Orients points randomly between the specified amounts upon creation.
Random Seed
Adjusts the randomization value for all random operations.
Id Mode
Determines which IDs are applied to each point upon creation. Options include:
  • Fixed: All points are created with the specified Placer Id.
  • Random: All points are assigned a random within the Random Id range.
Paint Id
Determines the ID applies to points when Id Mode is set to Fixed.
Random Id
Determines the ID range applied to points when Id Mode is set to Random.
Stick to Paint Meshes
Guarantees that points will stay on the Paint Mesh(es) when manipulating them.
Snap to Paint Meshes
Click this if your Paint Mesh has changed after you've already painted points onto it. This will automatically stick those points back onto the changed mesh.
Paint Meshes
Specifies the meshes that you can placer points on. If this is empty, then MASH Placer will allow you to paint points on all meshes in the scene.