
Allows you to inherit the animation of an object, then offset it in time.

MASH Delay

Delay Mode
Sets the delay method. Options include:
  • Normal: Delays the effects of the connected nodes in the network per object instance.
  • Follow the leader: Sets the object instances to follow a leader object on a delay.
Time Step
Controls the total time of the delay (in frames).
Time Variance
Controls the amount of randomization added to the time step on an object by object basis.
Time Offset
A backward offset for the time step.
Delay Position, Delay Rotation, Delay Scale
Specifies the channels to delay.


Allows you to set an object for the MASH network to follow when Delay Mode is set to Follow the leader.

Displays the object for the network to follow. You can assign the currently selected object either by middle-dragging it to this field or by right-clicking the field and clicking Connect.


Fades the node's effect for all the objects at the same time.
Random Strength
Smoothly fades the node's effect on all the objects in a random order.
Step Strength
Turns the node's effect off one object at a time.
Strength Map
Determines the input file (2D texture, animated texture, etc) that controls the shape of this node's effect.
Map Projection Axis
Determines the axis along which the Strength Map is projected.
Map Helper
Displays the object being used to interactively place the Strength Map in the scene. You can right-click the field to create a new helper object (a plane) if none exists. You can also middle-drag a mesh into this field or right-click to connect a selected mesh. If a mesh is already connected, you can also right-click to break its connection or show it in the Outliner.
Note: For the best results, assign the same texture to both the Strength Map and the Map Helper (this automatically happens when creating a new helper object).