Preview color-managed scenes

When you preview images with color management enabled, you can specify the view to use. A view is one of several meaningful previews, such as how a scene would look as standard dynamic-range video or in a game engine. Some views may be intended for diagnostic purposes only. The view transform does not affect the final render by default, and is intended mainly for previewing.

You can set the default view for a scene using the View option in the Color Management preferences . See Choose a view for previewing.

You can use the controls on the Viewport 2.0, the Render View, and the UV Editor toolbars to temporarily use a different view, as well as to adjust exposure, gamma, or turn off color management completely. The adjustments that you make on the toolbars are temporary, and are not saved in the scene.

For example, you can:

A. Adjust the exposure. The units are photographic F-stops. Positive values increase the brightness, and negative values decrease it. Type a numeric value, or Ctrl+drag to the left or right while using the left, middle, or right mouse buttons for small, medium, or large increments.
B. Reset the exposure to 0. Click again to return to the previous value.
C. Adjust the gamma. Values between 0 and 1 decrease the midtones, and values above 1 boost them. Type a numeric value, or Ctrl+drag to the left or right while using the left, middle, or right mouse buttons for small, medium, or large increments.

Note that this is an extra gamma applied on top of the view, and should be left at 1 for normal viewing.

D. Reset the gamma to 1. Click again to return to the previous value.
E. Turn off color management to see the raw color values.
F. Select a different view. The views that are available in the current configuration are listed. Colors are transformed from the rendering space by the selected view transform and then converted to values appropriate for the display set in your Color Management preferences (shown in parentheses). The options in this list may vary if the configuration specifies different views for different displays. See Choose a view for previewing.