Understanding the concept of frame numbering and padded numbers will assist you in knowing the conventions for file opening and saving when dealing with an image sequence or animation.
Whenever a sequence of images is generated, a numbering convention is used to number frames. Padded numbers are frame numbers that have a specified number of digits, where 0s are used to fill the unused digits.
For example,
5 digit padding
FCheck uses different conventions when opening and saving files with padding.
When opening files using the command line, a different convention is used to specify a file sequence.
Depending on the position of the frame number in the filename, a different convention is used to indicate the file you are opening.
The @ and # symbols are used to specify the position of frame numbers in filenames. The number of @ is parallel to the amount of padding in the file name.
padded one digit
padded to 2 digits (for example, 1 becomes 01, 10 remains 10)
padded to 3 digits.
is a shortcut for @@@@
The following is a list of sequence formats you can open, where @ represents the position of the frame number:
myimage@.ext myimage.@.ext @myimage.ext myimage.@ myimage.ext.@
For example, if you want to open a sequence of files beginning with myimage.001.iff. You would enter the following command line:
fcheck -<option> myimage.@@@.iff
For details on how to open image sequences, see Open image sequences.
By default, FCheck saves sequences of images without padding, counting from 1 to the number of frames. For example, FCheck names a 10-frame sequence from myimage1.iff to myimage10.iff.
Using the # symbol, you can indicate the position and the amount of padding in the frame number when saving a sequence of images.
You can save sequences using the following frame/animation formats:
myimage#.ext myimage.#.ext #myimage.ext
Use multiple #s, to set the number of padding in the frame number. One # represents one digit in the frame number. For example, myimage##.ext applies two number padding to the sequence.
For details on how to save files, see Save images or sequences .