Animation playback control keys in FCheck

Important: As of Maya 2020, FCheck is no longer supported on macOS. You can select a different default image viewer in the Applications preferences (Windows > Settings/Preferences > Preferences).

Use the following keys to control animation playback in FCheck.



comma Plays animation backwards continuously.
period Plays animation forwards continuously.
space Pauses the animation. Press again to resume.
Shift+ , Sets current frame the starting frame in the animation.
Shift + . Sets current frame the ending frame in the animation.
Alt+ , Plays animation backwards once.
Alt + . Plays animation forward once.
- Slows down the playback speed of animation.
+ Speeds up the playback speed of animation

right arrow

Proceeds to the next frame after animation is paused.

left arrow

Recedes to the previous frame after animation is paused.
Ctrl + right arrow Proceeds to the last frame in the animation.
Ctrl + left arrow Returns to the first frame in the animation.
s Cycles through animation forwards and backwards continuously. (Swinging)
t Plays animation in real time, skipping images if necessary.