Create a fluid containers with emitters

You can create a fluid container and then add an emitter. The emitter is automatically parented to the container so they move together when you move the container.

To create a fluid container with a fluid emitter

  1. For a 3-dimensional fluid, select Fluids > 3D Container> .

    For a 2-dimensional fluid, select Fluids > 2D Container > .

    The Create Container Options window appears.

  2. Modify options defining the size and resolution of the fluid container, if required.

    See Fluids 3D/ 2D Container Options.

  3. Modify the options defining the basic emitter attributes, if required. See Fluid Emitter Options.
  4. Click Apply and Close.

    Maya adds and parents the fluid emitter to the container. By default, Density and Velocity are set to Dynamic Grid with their values set to 0 in each of the voxels. Temperature and Fuel are set to Off.

  5. In the Playback area, click the Play button to view the fluid simulation.

    If you are in wireframe mode, the fluid displays as particles by default.

    To view the simulation as it would render, switch to shaded mode and in the Display area of the fluidShape Attribute Editor, change Shaded Display to As Rendered.

  6. Move the emitter (keeping it inside the fluid container), as appropriate, and modify fluid container and fluid emitter attributes to achieve the effect you want.

    If you turn on Auto Resize and Resize to Emitter, the fluid container automatically moves to the emitter's location. See Auto Resize.