Go to: Synopsis. Return value. MEL examples.


addAttributeEditorNodeHelp(string $nodeType, string $helpCommand)

The Attribute Editor's Help menu creates menu items for node types that it is currently displaying. For custom node types use this procedure to specify a help command to be invoked when the custom node type menu item is selected.

Return value



Variable Name Variable Type Description
$nodeTypestringThe node type.
$helpCommandstringThe command to display help for the node. This command is invoked when the corresponding menu item is selected from the Attribute Editor Help menu. Specify an empty string to prevent the menu item for the node type from being created.

MEL examples

	//	Prevent a menu item in the Help menu from being

	//	created for nodes of type "customNodeType1".


	addAttributeEditorNodeHelp("customNodeType1", "");

	//	Use the showHelp command to display a specific web page

	//	when the "customNodeType2" Help menu item is selected.


		"showHelp -absolute \"http://www.alias.com\"");

	//	Use the print command to inform user no help is available

	//	for "customNodeType3".


		"print \"No help available yet for customNodeType3\\n\"");