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addCustomPrefsTab (string $tabCreateFn, string $frameCreateFn, string $updateFn, string $holdStateFn, string $setOptVarToDefaultFn, string $title, string $name)
Variable Name | Variable Type | Description |
$tabCreateFn | string | The callback function to create the tab. |
$frameCreateFn | string | The callback function to create the frame layout of the tab. |
$updateFn | string | The callback function to update UI elements when option vars changed. |
$holdStateFn | string | The callback function to save or restore the preference setting of the tab. |
$setOptVarToDefaultFn | string | The callback function to set option vars to default values. |
$title | string | The title of the tab. |
$name | string | The name of the tab. |
global proc prefsUpdateExample() { global string $gPreferenceWindow; setParent $gPreferenceWindow; string $parent = "prefExample"; if (`columnLayout -q -numberOfChildren $parent` == 0) { return; } setParent $parent; textField -e -text `optionVar -q exampleWords` words; } global proc exampleFieldChanged() { global string $gPreferenceWindow; if (`window -exists $gPreferenceWindow`) { setParent prefExample; if (`textField -exists words`) { optionVar -sv exampleWords `textField -q -text words`; } } } global proc prefsHoldCurrentStateExample(string $mode) { exampleFieldChanged(); string $prefOptionVars[] = { "exampleWords" }; prefsHoldOptionVars($prefOptionVars, $mode); global string $gPreferenceWindow; if (`window -exists $gPreferenceWindow`) { setParent prefExample; if (`textField -exists words`) { textField -e -text `optionVar -q exampleWords` words; } } } global proc prefsCreateExample() { global string $gPreferenceWindow; setParent $gPreferenceWindow; string $parent = "prefExample"; // Check to see if this has been created already. // if (`columnLayout -q -numberOfChildren $parent` > 0) { return; } // Create the UI // setParent $parent; setUITemplate -pushTemplate prefsTemplate; // This is used to force the width to fill the window separator -style "none" -h 1; string $textContent = "Hello, world!"; if (`optionVar -exists exampleWords`) { $textContent = `optionVar -q exampleWords`; } textField -text $textContent -changeCommand exampleFieldChanged words; setUITemplate -popTemplate; exampleFieldChanged(); prefsUpdateExample(); } global proc prefsFrameLayoutCreateExample() { frameLayout -labelVisible false -borderVisible false -marginWidth 10 -marginHeight 10; columnLayout -adj true prefExample; } global proc prefsSetOptionVarsToDefaultExample() { optionVar -default -category "Custom Preference Example" -sv exampleWords "Hello, world!" ; } // register the new tab addCustomPrefsTab("prefsCreateExample", "prefsFrameLayoutCreateExample", "prefsUpdateExample", "prefsHoldCurrentStateExample", "prefsSetOptionVarsToDefaultExample", "Example Configuration", " Example"); // unregister the tab deleteCustomPrefsTab("prefsCreateExample");