Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Related. Flags. MEL examples.


animLayer [-addRelatedKG boolean] [-addSelectedObjects] [-affectedLayers] [-animCurves] [-attribute string] [-baseAnimCurves] [-bestAnimLayer] [-bestLayer] [-blendNodes] [-children string] [-collapse boolean] [-copy string] [-copyAnimation string] [-copyNoAnimation string] [-excludeBoolean] [-excludeDynamic] [-excludeEnum] [-excludeRotate] [-excludeScale] [-excludeTranslate] [-excludeVisibility] [-exists] [-extractAnimation string] [-findCurveForPlug string] [-forceUIRebuild] [-forceUIRefresh] [-layeredPlug string] [-lock boolean] [-maxLayers] [-moveLayerAfter string] [-moveLayerBefore string] [-mute boolean] [-override boolean] [-parent string] [-passthrough boolean] [-preferred boolean] [-removeAllAttributes] [-removeAttribute string] [-root string] [-selected boolean] [-solo boolean] [-weight float] [-writeBlendnodeDestinations]

animLayer is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command creates and edits animation layers.

Return value

stringReturn values currently not documented.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


layer, animation, additive, override


blendTwoAttr, setKeyframe


addRelatedKG, addSelectedObjects, affectedLayers, animCurves, attribute, baseAnimCurves, bestAnimLayer, bestLayer, blendNodes, children, collapse, copy, copyAnimation, copyNoAnimation, excludeBoolean, excludeDynamic, excludeEnum, excludeRotate, excludeScale, excludeTranslate, excludeVisibility, exists, extractAnimation, findCurveForPlug, forceUIRebuild, forceUIRefresh, layeredPlug, lock, maxLayers, moveLayerAfter, moveLayerBefore, mute, override, parent, passthrough, preferred, removeAllAttributes, removeAttribute, root, selected, solo, weight, writeBlendnodeDestinations
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-addRelatedKG(-akg) boolean createqueryedit
Used adding attributes to a layer. Determines if associated keying groups should be added or not to the layer.
-addSelectedObjects(-aso) createqueryedit
Adds selected object(s) to the layer.
-affectedLayers(-afl) query
Return the layers that the currently selected object(s) are members of
-animCurves(-anc) createqueryedit
In query mode returns the anim curves associated with this layer
-attribute(-at) string createqueryeditmultiuse
Adds a specific attribute on a object to the layer.
-baseAnimCurves(-bac) createqueryedit
In query mode returns the base layer anim curves associated with this layer, if any.
-bestAnimLayer(-blr) createqueryedit
In query mode returns the best anim layers for keying for the selected objects. If used in conjunction with -at, will return the best anim layers for keying for the specific plugs (attributes) specified.
-bestLayer(-bl) query
Return the layer that will be keyed for specified attribute.
-blendNodes(-bld) createqueryedit
In query mode returns the blend nodes associated with this layer
-children(-c) string query
Get the list of children layers. Return value is a string array.
-collapse(-col) boolean createqueryedit
Determine if a layer is collapse in the layer editor.
-copy(-cp) string edit
Copy from layer.
-copyAnimation(-ca) string createedit
Copy animation from specified layer to destination layer, only animation that are on attribute layered by both layer that are concerned.
-copyNoAnimation(-cna) string edit
Copy from layer without the animation curves.
-excludeBoolean(-ebl) createqueryedit
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, excludes any boolean attributes.
-excludeDynamic(-edn) createqueryedit
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, excludes any dynamic attributes.
-excludeEnum(-een) createqueryedit
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, excludes any enum attributes.
-excludeRotate(-ert) createqueryedit
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, exclude the rotate attribute.
-excludeScale(-esc) createqueryedit
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, exclude the scale attribute.
-excludeTranslate(-etr) createqueryedit
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, excludes the translate attribute.
-excludeVisibility(-evs) createqueryedit
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, exclude the visibility attribute.
-exists(-ex) query
Determine if an layer exists.
-extractAnimation(-ea) string createedit
Transfer animation from specified layer to destination layer, only animation that are on attribute layered by both layer that are concerned.
-findCurveForPlug(-fcv) string queryedit
Finds the parameter curve containing the animation data for the specified plug on the given layer.

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

-forceUIRebuild(-fur) create
Rebuilds the animation layers user interface.
-forceUIRefresh(-uir) create
Refreshes the animation layers user interface.
-layeredPlug(-lp) string query
Returns the plug on the blend node corresponding to the specified layer

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

-lock(-l) boolean createqueryedit
Set the lock state of the specified layer. A locked layer cannot receive key. Default is false.
-maxLayers(-ml) query
Returns the maximum number of anim layers supported by this product.
-moveLayerAfter(-mva) string edit
Move layer after the specified layer
-moveLayerBefore(-mvb) string edit
Move layer before the specified layer
-mute(-m) boolean createqueryedit
Set the mute state of the specified layer. Default is false.
-override(-o) boolean createqueryedit
Set the overide state of the specified layer. Default is false.
-parent(-p) string createqueryedit
Set the parent of the specified layer. Default is the animation layer root.
-passthrough(-pth) boolean createqueryedit
Set the passthrough state of the specified layer. Default is true.
-preferred(-prf) boolean createqueryedit
Determine if a layer is a preferred layer, the best layer algorithm will try to set keyframe in preferred layer first.
-removeAllAttributes(-raa) edit
Remove all objects from layer.
-removeAttribute(-ra) string editmultiuse
Remove object from layer.
-root(-r) string query
Return the base layer if it exist
-selected(-sel) boolean createqueryedit
Determine if a layer is selected, a selected layer will be show in the timecontrol, graph editor.
-solo(-s) boolean createqueryedit
Set the solo state of the specified layer. Default is false.
-weight(-w) float createqueryedit
Set the weight of the specified layer between 0.0 and 1.0. Default is 1.
-writeBlendnodeDestinations(-wbd) edit
In edit mode writes the destination plugs of the blend nodes that belong to the layer into the blend node. This is used for layer import/export purposes and is not for general use.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

animLayer -mute true -solo true -override true -passthrough false -lock true "layer1";

animLayer -query -mute "layer1";
// Result: 1 //

animLayer -query -solo "layer1";
// Result: 1 //

animLayer -query -override "layer1";
// Result: 1 //

animLayer -query -passthrough "layer1";
// Result: 0 //

animLayer -query -lock "layer1";
// Result: 1 //

animLayer -query -parent "layer1";
// Result: BaseAnimation //