Long name (short name) |
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This flag overrides the set channel enable value.
If a channel is specified, it will be enabled.
C: The default is all applyTake enabled channels for the device(s).

Specifies which device contains the take.
C: The default is all applyTake enabled devices.

This flag specifies the filters to use during the
applyTake. If this flag is used multiple times, the ordering
of the filters is from left to right.
C: The default is no filters.
Applies the take to blendDevice nodes attached to the target
attributes connected to the device attachments. Animation curves
attached to the attributes will not be altered, but for the time
that preview data is defined, the preview data will be the data
used during playback.
C: The default is to not preview.
When this flag is used, the children of the channel(s)
specified by -c/channel are also applied.
C: The default is all of the enabled channels.
Resets the blendDevice nodes affected by -preview. The preview data
is removed and if animation curves exist, they are used during
This flag is used with -c/channel flag. When used, applyTake
will only work on the channels listed with the -c/channel flag.
C: The default is all of the enabled channels.
The default start time for a take is determined at record time.
The startTime option sets the starting time of the take in the
current animation units.
C: The default is the first time stamp of the take. If a time
stamp does not exist for the take, 0 is used.