Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Flags. MEL examples.


attrControlGrp [-annotation string] [-attribute name] [-changeCommand script] [-enable boolean] [-exists] [-handlesAttribute name] [-hideMapButton boolean] [-label string] [-preventOverride boolean]

attrControlGrp is NOT undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command creates a control of the type most appropriate for the specified attribute, and associates the control with the attribute. Any change to the control will cause a change in the attribute value, and any change to the attribute value will be reflected in the control. Not all attribute types are supported.

Return value

stringThe control name.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


attribute, control


annotation, attribute, changeCommand, enable, exists, handlesAttribute, hideMapButton, label, preventOverride
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-annotation(-ann) string createqueryedit
Sets or queries the annotation value of the control group.
-attribute(-a) name createqueryedit
Sets or queries the attribute the control represents. The name of the attribute must be fully specified, including the name of the node. Some types of attributes are not supported, but most commonly used attribute types are.
-changeCommand(-cc) script createqueryedit
Sets or queries the change command of the control group. The change command will be executed when the control is used to change the value of the attribute.
-enable(-en) boolean createqueryedit
Sets or queries the enable state of the control group. The control is dimmed if the enable state is set to false.
-exists(-ex) createqueryedit
Returns whether the specified object exists or not. Other flags are ignored.
-handlesAttribute(-ha) name queryedit
Returns true or false as to whether this command can create a control for the specified attribute.

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

-hideMapButton(-hmb) boolean createqueryedit
Force the map button to remain hidden for this control.
-label(-l) string createqueryedit
Sets or queries the label of the control group.
-preventOverride(-po) boolean createqueryedit
Sets or queries the prevent adjustment state of the control group. If true, the RMB menu for the control will not allow adjustments to be made.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

attrControlGrp -attribute "defaultResolution.width";