Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.
cameraSet [-active boolean] [-appendTo] [-camera string] [-clearDepth boolean] [-deleteAll] [-deleteLayer] [-insertAt] [-layer int] [-name string] [-numLayers] [-objectSet string] [-order int]
cameraSet is undoable, queryable, and editable.
This command manages camera set nodes. Camera sets allow the users to
break a single camera shot into layers. Instead of drawing all objects
with a single camera, you can isolate the camera to only focus on
certain objects and layer another camera into the viewport that draws
the other objects. The situation to use camera sets primarily occurs
when building stereoscopic scenes.
For example, a set of stereo parameters may make the background
objects divergent beyond the tolerable range of the human perceptual
system. However, you like the settings because the main focus is in
the foreground and the depth is important to the visual look of the
scene. You can use camera sets to break apart the shot into a
foreground stereo camera and background stereo camera. The foreground
stereo camera will retain the original parameters; however, it will
only focus on the foreground elements. The background stereo camera
will have a different set of stereo parameters and will only draw the
background element.
Camera sets can be viewed using the stereo viewer and are currently only
designed to work with stereo camera rigs.
string | The new cameraSet node (when in create mode) |
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
active, appendTo, camera, clearDepth, deleteAll, deleteLayer, insertAt, layer, name, numLayers, objectSet, order
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
Gets / sets the active camera layer.
Append a new camera and/or object set to then end of the cameraSet layer
list. This flag cannot be used in conjunction with insert flag. Additionally,
it requires the camera and/or objectSet flag to be used.
Set/get the camera for a particular layer. When in query mode, You
must specify the layer with the layer flag.
Specifies if the drawing buffer should be cleared before beginning the draw
for that layer.
Delete a layer from the camera set. You must specify the layer using the
layer flag.
Inserts the specified camera and/or object set at the specified layer.
This flag cannot be used in conjunction with the append flag. Additionally,
this flag requires layer and camera (or objectSet) flag to be used.
Specifies the layer index to be used when accessing layer information
Gets or sets the name for the created camera set.
Returns the number of layers defined in the specified cameraSet
Set/get the objectSet for a particular layer. When in query mode, you must
specify the layer with the layer flag.
Set the order in which a particular layer is processed. This flag must be
used in conjunction with the layer flag.
Flag can appear in Create mode of command
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command
Flag can be used more than once in a command.
// create some objects
sphere -n sphere1;
cone -n cone1;
// create a set with whatever is currently active
select sphere1 cone1;
string $newSet2 = `sets`;
loadPlugin -qt "stereoCamera";
python("from maya.app.stereo import stereoCameraRig")
string $rig[] = python("stereoCameraRig.createStereoCameraRig('StereoCamera')")
// create a cameraSet
cameraSet ;
// cameraSet1
// add the cam & object set to the set
cameraSet -e -appendTo -cam $rig[0] -objectSet $newSet2 cameraSet1;