Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related. MEL examples.


getPluginResource(string $pluginName, string $lookUpKey)

Look up a plugin string resource given the plugin name and unique resource ID.

Lookup keys must be unique. Both the plugin name and the lookup key are used to uniquely identify the resource.

Plugin script resources are registered and initialized using the registerPluginResource command. They can be optionally be overridden with localized values using setPluginResource.

Return value



loadPluginLanguageResources, registerPluginResource, setPluginResource


Variable Name Variable Type Description
$pluginNamestringUnique Plugin name
$lookUpKeystringUnique key for this string resource

MEL examples

  // Query the value of a menu item's label and use it

  // to set the string.  

  // The plugin name is "myPlugin" and the resource name 

  // is "showBBoxLabel"


  string $mLabel = getPluginResource("myPlugin", "showBBoxLabel");
  menuItem -l $mLabel;