Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


hyperGraph [-addBookmark] [-addDependGraph name] [-addDependNode name] [-animateTransition boolean] [-attributeEditor string] [-backward] [-bookmarkName] [-breakConnectionCommand string] [-clear] [-collapseContainer] [-connectionDrawStyle string] [-control] [-currentEdge string] [-currentNode string] [-debug string] [-defineTemplate string] [-deleteBookmark string] [-dependGraph] [-dependNode string] [-directoryPressCommand string] [-docTag string] [-down] [-downstream] [-dragAndDropBehaviorCommand string] [-dropNode string] [-dropTargetNode string] [-edgeDblClickCommand string] [-edgeDimmedDblClickCommand string] [-edgeDropCommand string] [-edgePressCommand string] [-edgeReleaseCommand string] [-enableAutomaticLayout boolean] [-exists] [-expandContainer] [-feedbackGadget string] [-feedbackNode string] [-filter string] [-filterDetail string boolean] [-fitImageToHeight] [-fitImageToWidth] [-focusCommand string] [-fold] [-forceMainConnection string] [-forceRefresh] [-forward] [-frame] [-frameBranch] [-frameGraph] [-frameGraphNoRebuild] [-frameHierarchy] [-freeform boolean] [-fromAttr string] [-fromNode string] [-getNodeList] [-getNodePosition string] [-graphDescription] [-graphLayoutStyle string] [-graphType string] [-heatMapDisplay boolean] [-highlightConnection string] [-iconSize string] [-image string] [-imageEnabled boolean] [-imageForContainer] [-imagePosition float float] [-imageScale float] [-initializeScript string] [-isHotkeyTarget] [-layout] [-layoutSelected string] [-limitGraphTraversal int] [-lockMainConnection] [-look float float] [-mainListConnection string] [-mergeConnections boolean] [-navigateHome] [-navup] [-newInputConnection string] [-newOutputConnection string] [-nextView] [-nodeConnectCommand string] [-nodeDblClickCommand string] [-nodeDropCommand string] [-nodeMenuCommand string] [-nodePressCommand string] [-nodeReleaseCommand string] [-opaqueContainers boolean] [-orientation string] [-panView float float] [-panel string] [-parent string] [-popupMenuScript string] [-previousView] [-range float float] [-rebuild] [-removeNode string] [-rename] [-resetFreeform] [-restoreBookmark string] [-scrollUpDownNoZoom boolean] [-selectionConnection string] [-setNodePosition string float float] [-showCachedConnections boolean] [-showConnectionFromSelected boolean] [-showConnectionToSelected boolean] [-showConstraintLabels boolean] [-showConstraints boolean] [-showDeformers boolean] [-showExpressions boolean] [-showInvisible boolean] [-showRelationships boolean] [-showShapes boolean] [-showUnderworld boolean] [-stateString] [-toAttr string] [-toNode string] [-transitionFrames int] [-unParent] [-unfold] [-unfoldAll] [-unfoldAllShapes] [-unfoldHidden] [-unlockMainConnection] [-updateMainConnection] [-updateNodeAdded boolean] [-updateSelection boolean] [-upstream] [-useDrawOverrideColor boolean] [-useFeedbackList] [-useTemplate string] [-viewOption string] [-visibility boolean] [-zoom float] [string]

hyperGraph is undoable, queryable, and editable.

The following is an overview of the basic features of the hypergraph. A more detailed description is given in the user manuals.

The hypergraph provides the user with the ability to view and edit the maya scene graph. The hypergraph supports two types of graphs: the DAG or scene hierarchy and the dependency graph.

The default view of the hypergraph editor is the DAG view. The user can show the dependency graph for a collection of nodes by first selecting the nodes and navigating to the dependency graph using one of the graph options. The user can save any view by setting a bookmark to that view. The user can also show previous views using the view options provided.

The hypergraph supports a simple editing mechanism for editing hierarchy in the DAG view and connections in dependency graph view. In the DAG view, the user can reparent or reorder nodes in the graph using drag-and-drop. In the dependency graph view, the user can select connections and delete them or make new connections by dragging and dropping nodes or existing connections.

The hypergraph supports two layout modes in the DAG view: automatic and freeform. In automatic mode, the graph nodes are automatically positioned according to the layout preferences. In freeform mode, the user can position nodes manually. The node position is saved in the scene. A background image can be placed behind DG or DAG in freeform mode. This can be used as a template for positioning nodes in a user-defined layout.

Nodes in the DAG view can be expanded or collapsed. The state is saved in the scene. The performance of the graph drawing will increase as hierarchies are collapsed.

In addition to hierachy relationships, the hypergraph can show expression, constraint and deformation relationships in the DAG. These can be enabled/disabled through the options provided. There are also additional filters for showing shape nodes and invisible nodes. The amount of detail show may affect the speed of the display of the graph.

Most of the UI features of the hypergraph are addressable through the hypergraph command-line interface. The available command-line options are described in the next section.

Return value

stringthe name of the panel

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


addBookmark, addDependGraph, addDependNode, animateTransition, attributeEditor, backward, bookmarkName, breakConnectionCommand, clear, collapseContainer, connectionDrawStyle, control, currentEdge, currentNode, debug, defineTemplate, deleteBookmark, dependGraph, dependNode, directoryPressCommand, docTag, down, downstream, dragAndDropBehaviorCommand, dropNode, dropTargetNode, edgeDblClickCommand, edgeDimmedDblClickCommand, edgeDropCommand, edgePressCommand, edgeReleaseCommand, enableAutomaticLayout, exists, expandContainer, feedbackGadget, feedbackNode, filter, filterDetail, fitImageToHeight, fitImageToWidth, focusCommand, fold, forceMainConnection, forceRefresh, forward, frame, frameBranch, frameGraph, frameGraphNoRebuild, frameHierarchy, freeform, fromAttr, fromNode, getNodeList, getNodePosition, graphDescription, graphLayoutStyle, graphType, heatMapDisplay, highlightConnection, iconSize, image, imageEnabled, imageForContainer, imagePosition, imageScale, initializeScript, isHotkeyTarget, layout, layoutSelected, limitGraphTraversal, lockMainConnection, look, mainListConnection, mergeConnections, navigateHome, navup, newInputConnection, newOutputConnection, nextView, nodeConnectCommand, nodeDblClickCommand, nodeDropCommand, nodeMenuCommand, nodePressCommand, nodeReleaseCommand, opaqueContainers, orientation, panView, panel, parent, popupMenuScript, previousView, range, rebuild, removeNode, rename, resetFreeform, restoreBookmark, scrollUpDownNoZoom, selectionConnection, setNodePosition, showCachedConnections, showConnectionFromSelected, showConnectionToSelected, showConstraintLabels, showConstraints, showDeformers, showExpressions, showInvisible, showRelationships, showShapes, showUnderworld, stateString, toAttr, toNode, transitionFrames, unParent, unfold, unfoldAll, unfoldAllShapes, unfoldHidden, unlockMainConnection, updateMainConnection, updateNodeAdded, updateSelection, upstream, useDrawOverrideColor, useFeedbackList, useTemplate, viewOption, visibility, zoom
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-addBookmark(-abk) createedit
Create a bookmark for the current hypergraph view.
-addDependGraph(-adg) name createedit
Add a dependency graph starting at the named node to the view
-addDependNode(-adn) name createedit
Add a dependency node to the dependency graph view
-animateTransition(-atr) boolean createqueryedit
Turns animate transitions off and on.
-attributeEditor(-ae) string createedit
Launches attribute editor on selected node.
-backward(-bak) createedit
Navigate backward one step.
-bookmarkName(-bn) query
Returns the bookmark name for the most recently created bookmark.
-breakConnectionCommand(-bco) string createqueryedit
Specify the command to call when a connection is broken.
-clear(-clr) createedit
Clears the current hypergraph view and deletes the graph UI. (see also -rebuild flag)
-collapseContainer(-cc) createedit
Collapses containers selected in DG graph.
-connectionDrawStyle(-cds) string createedit
Specify how connections between nodes should be drawn. Valid values are "center" (draws connection lines from the center of one node to the center of the other) and "side" (draws connection lines from the right side of the source node to the left side of the destination node). The default is "center". This flag does not apply to Hypershade graphs, which are always drawn with the "side" connection draw style.
-control(-ctl) query
Query only. Returns the top level control for this editor. Usually used for getting a parent to attach popup menus. Caution: It is possible for an editor to exist without a control. The query will return "NONE" if no control is present.
-currentEdge(-ced) string queryedit
Return the current edge name.
-currentNode(-cno) string queryedit
Return the current node name.
-debug(-deb) string createedit
Run a debug method on the graph
-defineTemplate(-dt) string create
Puts the command in a mode where any other flags and arguments are parsed and added to the command template specified in the argument. They will be used as default arguments in any subsequent invocations of the command when templateName is set as the current template.
-deleteBookmark(-dbk) string createedit
Delete the bookmark with the corresponding node name.
-dependGraph(-dg) createedit
Displays dependency graph iterated from specified node.
-dependNode(-dn) string createedit
Displays dependency node in view.
-directoryPressCommand(-dp) string createedit
Specify a command to run when a directory is pressed.
-docTag(-dtg) string createqueryedit
Attaches a tag to the editor.
-down(-do) createedit
Navigate down to the dependency graph containing the current selection. Shows upstream and downstream connections.
-downstream(-ds) createedit
Show downstream dependency graph of selected node(s).
-dragAndDropBehaviorCommand(-ddc) string createedit
Mel proc called when a drag and drop onto a hyperGraph node has occurred. Proc signature is procName (string $editor, string $sourceNode, string $destinationNode).
-dropNode(-dr) string query
Returns the name of the source node in a drag and drop connection, when called during processing of a drop.
-dropTargetNode(-drt) string query
Returns the name of the destination node in a drag and drop connection, when called during processing of a drop.
-edgeDblClickCommand(-edc) string createedit
Mel proc called when an edge is double clicked. Proc signature is procName (string $editor, string $edge).
-edgeDimmedDblClickCommand(-edd) string createedit
Mel proc called when a dimmed edge is double clicked. Proc signature is procName (string $editor, string $edge).
-edgeDropCommand(-edr) string createedit
Command to execute when an edge drop occurs.
-edgePressCommand(-ep) string createedit
Command to execute when an edge press occurs.
-edgeReleaseCommand(-er) string createedit
Command to execute when an edge release occurs.
-enableAutomaticLayout(-eal) boolean createedit
Rebuild the graph if a node is added or removed from the graph via drag and drop or dg messages. Default is true.
-exists(-ex) create
Returns whether the specified object exists or not. Other flags are ignored.
-expandContainer(-ec) createedit
Expands containers selected in DG graph.
-feedbackGadget(-fbg) string query
Returns the name of the current gadget.
-feedbackNode(-fbn) string query
Returns the name of the current feedback or highlight node.
-filter(-f) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of an itemFilter object to be used with this editor. This filters the information coming onto the main list of the editor.
-filterDetail(-fd) string boolean createedit
This flag is obsolete. Use the showConstraints, showExpressions, showDeformer, showInvisible, showShapes and showUnderworld flags instead.
-fitImageToHeight(-fih) create
Changes position and scale of background image, so its height fits current editor view.
-fitImageToWidth(-fiw) create
Changes position and scale of background image, so its width fits current editor view.
-focusCommand(-fc) string createedit
Mel proc to be run when the mouse is clicked in the hyper graph. Primarily of use in setting the window focus.
-fold(-fo) createedit
Folds (Collapses) selected object.
-forceMainConnection(-fmc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object that the editor will use as its source of content. The editor will only display items contained in the selectionConnection object. This is a variant of the -mainListConnection flag in that it will force a change even when the connection is locked. This flag is used to reduce the overhead when using the -unlockMainConnection , -mainListConnection, -lockMainConnection flags in immediate succession.
-forceRefresh(-frf) createedit
Forces the hypergraph to refresh (redraw) its contents.
-forward(-fow) createedit
Navigate forward one step.
-frame(-fr) createedit
Frames the selected objects
-frameBranch(-frb) createedit
Frames the the branch from the selected node on downward.
-frameGraph(-fg) createedit
Frames the entire graph.
-frameGraphNoRebuild(-fgn) createedit
Specify that on zoom out the graph should not rebuild; for efficiency.
-frameHierarchy(-frh) createedit
Frames the hierarchy that contains the selected node.
-freeform(-fre) boolean createqueryedit
Enable freeform layout mode.
-fromAttr(-fat) string query
Returns the name of the source attribute in a drag and drop connection, when called during processing of a drop.
-fromNode(-frn) string query
Returns the name of the source node in a drag and drop connection, when called during processing of a drop.
-getNodeList(-gnl) query
Returns a string array that represents a list of all the nodes in the graph.
-getNodePosition(-gnp) string query
Returns the position of a specified node in x,y graph coords. This flag and its argument must be passed to the command before the -q flag (see examples).

In query mode, this flag can accept a value.

-graphDescription(-gd) createedit
When used, return a description of the current graph.
-graphLayoutStyle(-gls) string createqueryedit
This flag is obsolete. The only supported graph layout style is "hierarchicalLayout". Use of any other style will trigger a warning.
-graphType(-gt) string query
Returns the type name of the current graph in the view (either DAG or DG).
-heatMapDisplay(-hmd) boolean queryedit
Specify whether the heat map should be shown or not.
-highlightConnection(-hlc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object that the editor will synchronize with its highlight list. Not all editors have a highlight list. For those that do, it is a secondary selection list.
-iconSize(-ics) string createqueryedit
Set or query the icon size for this hyper graph editor. The currently allowed icon sizes are "smallIcons", "mediumIcons", "largeIcons" and "superIcons".
-image(-img) string createqueryedit
Specify background image to be loaded from the project image directory.
-imageEnabled(-ime) boolean createqueryedit
Enable display of a loaded background image (Freeform DAG view or DG view)
-imageForContainer(-ifc) createqueryedit
Specify that the following flags work on selected containers instead of the whole image: -imageScale,-imagePosition, fitImageToWidth, -fitImageToHeight, -image
-imagePosition(-imp) float float createqueryedit
Position of the background image.
-imageScale(-ims) float createqueryedit
Uniform scale of the background image.
-initializeScript(-ini) string createedit
Script to call when the graph is initialized.
-isHotkeyTarget(-iht) query
For internal use.
-layout(-lay) createedit
Perform an automatic layout on the graph.
-layoutSelected(-lsl) string createedit
This flag is obsolete. The only supported graph layout style is "hierarchicalLayout". Use of any other style will trigger a warning.
-limitGraphTraversal(-lgt) int createedit
Limit the graph traversal to a certain number of levels.
-lockMainConnection(-lck) createedit
Locks the current list of objects within the mainConnection, so that only those objects are displayed within the editor. Further changes to the original mainConnection are ignored.
-look(-loo) float float createedit
Look at a coordinate in the graph view
-mainListConnection(-mlc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object that the editor will use as its source of content. The editor will only display items contained in the selectionConnection object.
-mergeConnections(-mc) boolean createqueryedit
Merge groups of connections into 'fat' connections.
-navigateHome(-hom) createedit
Navigate to the home (DAG) view.
-navup(-nu) createedit
Navigate up to the dependency graph containing the current selection. Shows upstream and downstream connections.
-newInputConnection(-nin) string createedit
Specify a new connection, input side
-newOutputConnection(-nou) string createedit
Specify a new connection, output side
-nextView(-nvw) createedit
Changes the view to the next DAG view.
-nodeConnectCommand(-nco) string createedit
Command to call when a node is connected.
-nodeDblClickCommand(-ndc) string createedit
Command to call when a node is double-clicked.
-nodeDropCommand(-ndr) string createedit
Set the command to be called when a node is dropped in the hypergraph window.
-nodeMenuCommand(-nm) string createedit
Command to call when a node menu is activated.
-nodePressCommand(-np) string createedit
Set the command to be called when the user presses a mouse button while the cursor is over a node in the hypergraph window.
-nodeReleaseCommand(-nr) string createedit
Set the command to be called when the user releases a mouse button while the cursor is over a node in the hypergraph window.
-opaqueContainers(-opc) boolean queryedit
Sets expanded container background opacity.
-orientation(-or) string createqueryedit
Selects orientation style of graph: "horiz"|"vert"
-panView(-pan) float float createedit
Pan the view to a new center.
-panel(-pnl) string createquery
Specifies the panel for this editor. By default if an editor is created in the create callback of a scripted panel it will belong to that panel. If an editor does not belong to a panel it will be deleted when the window that it is in is deleted.
-parent(-p) string createqueryedit
Specifies the parent layout for this editor. This flag will only have an effect if the editor is currently un-parented.
-popupMenuScript(-pms) string createedit
Set the script to be called to register the popup menu with the control for this hypergraph. The script will be called with a string argument which gives the name of the hypergraph whose control the popup menu should be parented to.
-previousView(-pvw) createedit
Changes the view back to the previous DAG view.
-range(-rg) float float createqueryedit
Limits the display of nodes to only those within the range. There are two float values expected, the first the lower threshold of the range and the second the upper threshold of the range. The values are absolute timing values, not percentages.
-rebuild(-rb) createedit
Rebuilds graph
-removeNode(-rmn) string createedit
Removes the node identified by string from the graph.
-rename(-rn) createedit
Pops up text field over selected object for renaming
-resetFreeform(-rf) createedit
Resets freeform position on all nodes.
-restoreBookmark(-rbk) string createedit
Restore the view corresponding to the bookmark.
-scrollUpDownNoZoom(-snz) boolean createedit
Specify if we want to be in the scroll along y only with no free zooming mode. By default, hyper graph editor allows user to pan left and right.
-selectionConnection(-slc) string createqueryedit
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object that the editor will synchronize with its own selection list. As the user selects things in this editor, they will be selected in the selectionConnection object. If the object undergoes changes, the editor updates to show the changes.
-setNodePosition(-snp) string float float createedit
Sets the node identified by string to the (x,y) position in the window specified by the two floats. If the node is not in the graph than it will be added to the graph and then moved to the new position.
-showCachedConnections(-scc) boolean createedit
Specify whether cached connections should be shown.
-showConnectionFromSelected(-scf) boolean createqueryedit
Show the connects (constraints, expresions, and deformers - see showConstraints for example) leaving from selected nodes. This can be combined with showConnectionToSelected to show both arrive and leaving connects. If both flags are false then all the connections will be shown.
-showConnectionToSelected(-sct) boolean createqueryedit
Show the connects (constraints, expresions, and deformers - see showConstraints for example) arriving at selected nodes. This can be combined with showConnectionFromSelected to show both arrive and leaving connects. If both flags are false then all the connections will be shown.
-showConstraintLabels(-scl) boolean createedit
Specify whether constraint labels should be shown.
-showConstraints(-shc) boolean createqueryedit
Show constraint relationships in the DAG.
-showDeformers(-shd) boolean createqueryedit
Show deformer or geometry filter relationships in the DAG.
-showExpressions(-shx) boolean createqueryedit
Show expression relationships in the DAG.
-showInvisible(-shi) boolean createqueryedit
Show invisible nodes in the DAG.
-showRelationships(-shr) boolean createqueryedit
Show relationship (message) connections.
-showShapes(-shs) boolean createqueryedit
Show shape nodes in the DAG.
-showUnderworld(-shu) boolean createqueryedit
Show underworld graphs in the DAG.
-stateString(-sts) query
Query only flag. Returns the MEL command that will create an editor to match the current editor state. The returned command string uses the string variable $editorName in place of a specific name.
-toAttr(-tat) string query
Returns the name of the destination attribute in a drag and drop connection, when called during processing of a drop.
-toNode(-ton) string query
Returns the name of the destination node in a drag and drop connection, when called during processing of a drop.
-transitionFrames(-tfr) int createqueryedit
Specify te number of transition frames for animate transitions.
-unParent(-up) createedit
Specifies that the editor should be removed from its layout. This cannot be used in query mode.
-unfold(-uf) createedit
Unfolds (expands) selected object.
-unfoldAll(-ua) createedit
Unfolds everything under selected object.
-unfoldAllShapes(-uas) createedit
Unfolds all shapes.
-unfoldHidden(-ufh) createedit
Unfolds all hidden objects.
-unlockMainConnection(-ulk) createedit
Unlocks the mainConnection, effectively restoring the original mainConnection (if it is still available), and dynamic updates.
-updateMainConnection(-upd) createedit
Causes a locked mainConnection to be updated from the orginal mainConnection, but preserves the lock state.
-updateNodeAdded(-una) boolean createqueryedit
Update graph when a new node is added to the database
-updateSelection(-us) boolean createqueryedit
Update selection state in the graph when the selection state of database changes.
-upstream(-ups) createedit
Show upstream dependency graph of selected node(s).
-useDrawOverrideColor(-drc) boolean createedit
Specify whether or not to use draw override coloring.
-useFeedbackList(-ufl) createqueryedit
Use feedback or highlight list as the target selection when processing other hypergraph command-line options.
-useTemplate(-ut) string create
Forces the command to use a command template other than the current one.
-viewOption(-vo) string createqueryedit
Set or query the view option for this hyper graph editor. The currently allowed views are "asIcons" and "asList".
-visibility(-vis) boolean createedit
Set the visible state of the selected node(s).
-zoom(-zm) float createedit
Specify the zoom factor for animating transitions

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// The hyperGraph command is not one which would commonly be used
// by the user.
polySphere -r 1 -sx 20 -sy 20 -ax 0 1 0 -tx 2 -ch 1;

// Gets the position of the node in the graph.
string $editor = "hyperGraphPanel1HyperGraphEd";
float $position[] = `hyperGraph -getNodePosition pSphere1 -q $editor`;