Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. MEL examples.


string objectLayer( string )

All eligible objects (ie. DAG objects) must be in exactly one layer. This script returns the layer to which the given object belongs.

Return value



DAG displayLayer layer member ,


Variable Name Variable Type Description
$objectstring The name of the object who's layer is to be found.

MEL examples

      // Create an object, which will automatically go into the defaultLayer

      createNode transform -n father;
      objectLayer father;
      // Result : defaultLayer //

      // Put the object into a layer and verify membership

      createDisplayLayer -e -n fatherLayer;
      editDisplayLayerMembers fatherLayer father;
      objectLayer father;
      // Result : fatherLayer //

      // The time node is not a DAG node and so has no layer

      objectLayer time1;

      // The above blank line indicates that there was no return value