polyColorSet is undoable, queryable, and editable.
Command to do the following to color sets:
- delete an existing color set.
- rename an existing color set.
- create a new empty color set.
- set the current color set to a pre-existing color set.
- modify sharing between instances of per-instance color sets
- query the current color set.
- query the names of all color sets.
- query the name(s) along with representation value(s)
or clamped value(s) of all color sets
- query the representation value or clamped value of the current color set
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
This flag when used in a query will return a list of all
of the color set names
This flag specifies if the color set will truncate any value that is
outside 0 to 1 range.
Specifies the name of the color set that this command needs to work on.
This flag has to be specified for this command to do anything meaningful
other than query the current color set.
This flag when used will result in the copying of the color set corresponding
to name specified with the colorSet flag to the colorSet corresponding
to the name specified with the newcolorSet flag
This flag when used will result in the creation of an empty color set
corresponding to the name specified with the colorSet flag. If
a color set with that name already exists, then no new color set will
be created.
This flag when used will set the current color set that the object needs to
work on, to be the color set corresponding to the name specified with the
colorSet flag. This does require that a colorSet with the specified name exist.
When queried, this returns the current color set.

This is a query-only flag for use when the current color set is a per-instance
color set family. This returns the member of the set family that corresponds
to the currently select instance.
This flag when used will result in the deletion of the color set corresponding
to the name specified with the colorSet flag.
Specifies the name that the color set corresponding to the name specified with
the colorSet flag, needs to be renamed to.
This flag can be used in conjunction with the create flag to indicate
whether or not the color set is per-instance. When you create a per-instance
color set, the set will be applied as shared between all selected instances
of the shape unless the unshared flag is used. The perInstance flag can
be used in query mode with the currentColorSet or allColorSets flag to indicate
that the set family names (i.e. not containing instance identifiers) will
be returned by the query.
In query mode, this flag can accept a value.
This flag when used will result in the renaming of the color set corresponding
to the name specified with the colorSet flag to the name specified using the
newColorSet flag.
This flag corresponds to the color channels to used, for example
A(alpha only), RGB, and RGBA.
This flag is used to modify the sharing of per-instance color sets within
a given color set family so that all selected instances share the specified
set. In query mode, it returns a list of the instances that share the
set specified by the colorSet flag.
This flag can be used in conjunction with the create and perInstance flags
to indicate that the newly created per-instance set should be created with
a separate set per instance.