Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


polyOutput [-allValues] [-color] [-colorDesc] [-edge] [-edgeFace] [-face] [-faceNorm] [-force] [-group] [-noOutput] [-normDesc] [-outputFile string] [-triangle] [-uvDesc] [-uvValue] [-vert] [-vertEdge] [-vertNorm] poly poly...

polyOutput is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable.

Dumps a description of internal memory representation of poly objects. If no objects are specified in the command line, then the objects from the active list are used. If information on the geometry in the history of a poly shape is desired, then the plug of interest needs to be specified in the command line. Default behaviour is to print only a summary. Use the flags above to get more details on a specific part of the object.

Return value



allValues, color, colorDesc, edge, edgeFace, face, faceNorm, force, group, noOutput, normDesc, outputFile, triangle, uvDesc, uvValue, vert, vertEdge, vertNorm
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-allValues(-a) create
Shortcut for setting all the flags above
-color(-c) create
Prints the color per vertex. In case of multiple sets, all sets are printed.
-colorDesc(-cd) create
Print the color per vertex description. Each integer is an entry in the color array.
-edge(-e) create
Print the edge description.
-edgeFace(-ef) create
Prints the edge to face adjascency list. Only available if the information is already computed on the object.
-face(-f) create
Print the faces description
-faceNorm(-fn) create
Prints the normals per face. Only available if the information is already computed on the object.
-force(-fo) create
Force evaluation of missing pieces before printing.
-group(-g) create
Print the groups of the object.
-noOutput(-no) create
Dont output any data. Would be useful if you want to just evaluate the data, for testing purposes.
-normDesc(-nd) create
Prints the normals per vertex description. Each integer is an entry in the vertNorm array. Only available if the information is already computed on the object.
-outputFile(-of) string create
Location of the output file.
-triangle(-t) create
Prints the triangles per face. Only available if the information is already computed on the object.
-uvDesc(-uvd) create
Print the UV description. Each integer is an entry in the uvValue array.
-uvValue(-uv) create
Prints the UV positions. In case of multiple UV sets, all sets are printed.
-vert(-v) create
Prints the vertex positions.
-vertEdge(-ve) create
Prints the vertex to edge adjascency list. Only available if the information is already computed on the object.
-vertNorm(-vn) create
Prints the normals per vertex. Only available if the information is already computed on the object.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

polyOutput -a;

// If a polygon operation is performed such as subdividing it:
polySubdivideFacet -dv 1 -m 0 -ch 1 pPlane1;

// then the command can get information on geometry data feeding into the polySubdFace1 node.
polyOutput polySubdFace1.inputPolymesh;

// Also: It can get information on geometry data coming out of the
// polySubdFace1 node.
polyOutput polySubdFace1.output;