Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


renderInfo [-castShadows boolean] [-chordHeight float] [-chordHeightRatio float] [-doubleSided boolean] [-edgeSwap boolean] [-minScreen float] [-name string] [-opposite boolean] [-smoothShading boolean] [-unum int] [-useChordHeight boolean] [-useChordHeightRatio boolean] [-useDefaultLights boolean] [-useMinScreen boolean] [-utype int] [-vnum int] [-vtype int]

renderInfo is undoable, queryable, and editable.

The renderInfo commands sets geometric properties of surfaces of the selected object.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


castShadows, chordHeight, chordHeightRatio, doubleSided, edgeSwap, minScreen, name, opposite, smoothShading, unum, useChordHeight, useChordHeightRatio, useDefaultLights, useMinScreen, utype, vnum, vtype
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-castShadows(-cs) boolean create
Determines if object casts shadow or not.
-chordHeight(-ch) float create
Tessellation subdivision criteria.
-chordHeightRatio(-chr) float create
Tessellation subdivision criteria.
-doubleSided(-ds) boolean create
Determines if object double or single sided.
-edgeSwap(-es) boolean create
Tessellation subdivision criteria.
-minScreen(-ms) float create
Tessellation subdivision criteria.
-name(-n) string create
Namespace to use.
-opposite(-o) boolean create
Determines if the normals of the object is to be reversed.
-smoothShading(-ss) boolean create
Determines if smooth shaded, or flat shaded - applies only to polysets.
-unum(-un) int create
Tessellation subdivision criteria.
-useChordHeight(-uch) boolean create
Tessellation subdivision criteria.
-useChordHeightRatio(-ucr) boolean create
Tessellation subdivision criteria.
-useDefaultLights(-udl) boolean create
Obsolete flag.
-useMinScreen(-ums) boolean create
Tessellation subdivision criteria.
-utype(-ut) int create
Tessellation subdivision criteria.
-vnum(-vn) int create
Tessellation subdivision criteria.
-vtype(-vt) int create
Tessellation subdivision criteria.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

renderInfo -doubleSided off -opposite on;