Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Flags. MEL examples.


sceneLint [-issueType string] [-verbose]

sceneLint is NOT undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

{ "sceneLint" : { "ISSUE_CODE" : { "description" : "DETAILED_DESCRIPTION_OF_ISSUE", "mitigation" : [ // List of mitigations that can be applied { "objects" : [ LIST_OF_STRINGS_NAMING_OBJECTS_TO_WHICH_IT_APPLIES ], "benefit" : DESCRIPTION_OF_HOW_THE_CODE_MAKES_THE_SCENE_BETTER, "description" : DESCRIPTION_OF_WHAT_THE_CODE_DOES, "code" : PYTHON_MITIGATION_CODE_WITH_LOOP_OVER_INSTANCES } ] } } }

The sceneLint command is used to analyze the currently loaded scene to find potential areas for improvement in performance, memory use, or reduction of clutter.

In the query mode it will report back the list of available checks it can do. Each check will have an associated short-form which can be passed to the command to run specific checks.

In create mode the returned string is a JSON format list of issues and mitigations that suggest a way to solve the problem it describes.

Mitigation can be automatically performed by extracting the mitigation code and arguments then running the Python code exec(code, {}, {'OBJECTS' : objects})

Return value

stringJSON formatted results showing the issues that could potentially cause problems in the scene.
string[]When querying issueType shows the description, and benefit values for the named scene issue.
string[]When querying returns the list of all issueTypes by name.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


debug, performance


issueType, verbose
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-issueType(-i) string createquerymultiuse
Specify a set of issue types to be checked. If omitted then all known issue types are checked. In query mode returns a description of what a particular issue type is checking.

In query mode, this flag can accept a value.

-verbose(-v) createquery
If set then include both name and description when querying the list of available issue types.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// Query the list of available issue types
sceneLint -q;
// Return: FOO BAR BAZ //

// Find all scene issues
// Return: { "sceneLint" : ... } //

// Get more information on the "FOO" issue type
sceneLint -issueTye "FOO" -issueType "BAR" -q;

// Run only the "FOO" issue check
sceneLint -issueTye "FOO";
// Return: { "sceneLint" : ... } //