Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


sculptMeshCacheCtx [-adjustSize boolean] [-adjustStrength boolean] [-affectAllLayers boolean] [-brushDirection int] [-brushSize float] [-brushStrength float] [-buildUpRate float] [-cloneHideSource boolean] [-cloneMethod int] [-cloneShapeSource string] [-cloneTargetSource string] [-constrainToSurface boolean] [-direction int] [-displayFrozen boolean] [-displayMask boolean] [-displayWireframe boolean] [-falloffType int] [-flood float] [-floodFreeze float] [-frame] [-freezeSelection] [-grabFollowPath boolean] [-grabSilhouette boolean] [-grabTwist boolean] [-inverted boolean] [-lastMode string] [-lockShellBorder boolean] [-makeStroke uint uint uint float float] [-minSize float] [-minStrength float] [-mirror int] [-mode string] [-orientToSurface boolean] [-recordStroke boolean] [-sculptFalloffCurve string] [-size float] [-stampDistance float] [-stampFile string] [-stampFlipX boolean] [-stampFlipY boolean] [-stampOrientToStroke boolean] [-stampPlacement int] [-stampRandomization boolean] [-stampRandomizationSeed int] [-stampRandomizeFlipX boolean] [-stampRandomizeFlipY boolean] [-stampRandomizePosX float] [-stampRandomizePosY float] [-stampRandomizeRotation float] [-stampRandomizeScale float] [-stampRandomizeStrength float] [-stampRotation float] [-steadyStrokeDistance float] [-strength float] [-updatePlane boolean] [-useGlobalSize boolean] [-useScreenSpace boolean] [-useStampDistance boolean] [-useStampImage boolean] [-useSteadyStroke boolean] [-wholeStroke boolean] [-wireframeAlpha float] [-wireframeColor float float float]

sculptMeshCacheCtx is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This is a tool context command for mesh cache sculpting tool.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


adjustSize, adjustStrength, affectAllLayers, brushDirection, brushSize, brushStrength, buildUpRate, cloneHideSource, cloneMethod, cloneShapeSource, cloneTargetSource, constrainToSurface, direction, displayFrozen, displayMask, displayWireframe, falloffType, flood, floodFreeze, frame, freezeSelection, grabFollowPath, grabSilhouette, grabTwist, inverted, lastMode, lockShellBorder, makeStroke, minSize, minStrength, mirror, mode, orientToSurface, recordStroke, sculptFalloffCurve, size, stampDistance, stampFile, stampFlipX, stampFlipY, stampOrientToStroke, stampPlacement, stampRandomization, stampRandomizationSeed, stampRandomizeFlipX, stampRandomizeFlipY, stampRandomizePosX, stampRandomizePosY, stampRandomizeRotation, stampRandomizeScale, stampRandomizeStrength, stampRotation, steadyStrokeDistance, strength, updatePlane, useGlobalSize, useScreenSpace, useStampDistance, useStampImage, useSteadyStroke, wholeStroke, wireframeAlpha, wireframeColor
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-adjustSize(-asz) boolean edit
If true, puts the tool into the mode where dragging the mouse will edit the brush size. If false, puts the tool back into the previous sculpt mode.
-adjustStrength(-ast) boolean edit
If true, puts the tool into the mode where dragging the mouse will edit the brush strength. If false, puts the tool back into the previous sculpt mode.
-affectAllLayers(-aal) boolean createqueryedit
If true, the brush affects all layers at once.
-brushDirection(-bd) int queryedit
Specifies the direction of the named brush.
-brushSize(-bsz) float queryedit
Specifies the world-space size of the named brush.
-brushStrength(-bst) float queryedit
Specifies the world-space strength of the named brush.
-buildUpRate(-bur) float queryedit
Specifies the brush strength increasing along the stroke.
-cloneHideSource(-chs) boolean createqueryedit
True if the cloned source should be hidden.
-cloneMethod(-cm) int createqueryedit
Controls how the source delta vectors should change the target. 0=copy 1=add
-cloneShapeSource(-css) string createqueryedit
Name of the shape source to clone.
-cloneTargetSource(-cas) string createqueryedit
Name of the target source of the clone.
-constrainToSurface(-cts) boolean createqueryedit
If true, the modification keeps the surface curvature.
-direction(-d) int queryedit
Specifies the direction in which the vertices are moved.
-displayFrozen(-df) boolean createqueryedit
If false, turns off the display of frozen area on the object.
-displayMask(-dm) boolean createqueryedit
If false, turns off the display of masked area on the object.
-displayWireframe(-dw) boolean createqueryedit
If false, turns off the wireframe display of the object.
-falloffType(-ft) int queryedit
Specifies how the brush determines which vertices to affect.
-flood(-fl) float createedit
Sets the brush effect for each vertex to the given value.
-floodFreeze(-ff) float createedit
Sets the freeze value for each vertex to the given value.
-frame(-frm) createedit
Frames on the sculpted area.
-freezeSelection(-fsl) createedit
Freezes selected components.
-grabFollowPath(-gfp) boolean createqueryedit
If true, the grab brush effect follows mouse movement.
-grabSilhouette(-gs) boolean createqueryedit
If true, the grab brush uses paint-through mode.
-grabTwist(-gtw) boolean createqueryedit
If true, the grab brush twists the vertices.
-inverted(-inv) boolean createqueryedit
If true, inverts the effect of the brush.
-lastMode(-lm) string queryedit
Specifies the type of the last active sculpting brush.
-lockShellBorder(-lsb) boolean createqueryedit
Lock the shell borders so that they won't be moved by a UV texture brush.
-makeStroke(-mt) uint uint uint float float editmultiuse
Specify a surface point patch for a brush stroke. Multiple patches can be specified to form a brush stroke. The first argument is the mesh index. The second argument is the side index. use 0 for the original side, and 1 for the mirrored side The third argument is the face index within the specified mesh. The fourth and fifth arguments are the face coordinates within the specified face.
-minSize(-msz) float queryedit
Specifies the minimum size percentage of the current brush.
-minStrength(-mst) float queryedit
Specifies the minimum strength percentage of the current brush.
-mirror(-mr) int queryedit
Specifies the mirror mode of the brush.
-mode(-m) string queryedit
Specifies the type of sculpting effect the brush will perform.
-orientToSurface(-ots) boolean createqueryedit
If true, aligns the brush display to the surface of the mesh.
-recordStroke(-rcs) boolean queryedit
Set this flag to true to enable stroke recording that can be later played back with the makeStroke flag.
-sculptFalloffCurve(-sfc) string queryedit
Specifies the falloff curve of sculpting effect the brush will perform.
-size(-sz) float queryedit
Specifies the world-space size of the current brush.
-stampDistance(-s) float queryedit
Specifies the stamping distance of the brush.
-stampFile(-stp) string queryedit
Specifies an image file to use as stamp.
-stampFlipX(-sfx) boolean createqueryedit
Specifies if the brush stamp is flipped on the X axis.
-stampFlipY(-sfy) boolean createqueryedit
Specifies if the brush stamp is flipped on the Y axis.
-stampOrientToStroke(-sos) boolean createqueryedit
Specifies if the brush stamp is aligned to the stroke direction.
-stampPlacement(-sp) int queryedit
Specifies the placement mode of the stamp image.
-stampRandomization(-srd) boolean createqueryedit
Specifies if the brush stamp is randomized.
-stampRandomizationSeed(-sre) int edit
Specifies the stamp randomization seed value. Use a value of 0 to generate a random seed value.
-stampRandomizeFlipX(-srx) boolean createqueryedit
Specifies if the brush stamp flipping is randomized on the X axis.
-stampRandomizeFlipY(-sry) boolean createqueryedit
Specifies if the brush stamp flipping is randomized on the Y axis.
-stampRandomizePosX(-spx) float queryedit
Specifies the stamp X position value is randomized.
-stampRandomizePosY(-spy) float queryedit
Specifies the stamp Y position value is randomized.
-stampRandomizeRotation(-srr) float queryedit
Specifies the stamp rotation value is randomized.
-stampRandomizeScale(-src) float queryedit
Specifies the stamp scale value is randomized.
-stampRandomizeStrength(-srs) float queryedit
Specifies the stamp strength value is randomized.
-stampRotation(-sr) float queryedit
Specifies the rotation value of the stamp image.
-steadyStrokeDistance(-ssd) float queryedit
Specifies the distance for the steady stroke.
-strength(-st) float queryedit
Specifies the world-space strength of the current brush.
-updatePlane(-upl) boolean createqueryedit
Recalculates the underlying tool plane for each stamp in a stroke.
-useGlobalSize(-ugs) boolean createqueryedit
If true, all the brushes have a shared size property; otherwise size is local.
-useScreenSpace(-ssp) boolean createqueryedit
If true, the brush size is in screen space pixels.
-useStampDistance(-usd) boolean createqueryedit
Force the stamps to be spread out along the stroke, rather than building up continually.
-useStampImage(-usi) boolean createqueryedit
Specifies if the brush uses a stamp image.
-useSteadyStroke(-uss) boolean createqueryedit
Turns using steady stroke on/off.
-wholeStroke(-wst) boolean createqueryedit
Continuously recalculates the underlying tool plane from all the vertices affected during the stroke.
-wireframeAlpha(-wa) float createqueryedit
Sets the alpha value of the wireframe for the object that is being sculpted.
-wireframeColor(-wc) float float float createqueryedit
Sets the color of the wireframe for the object that is being sculpted. Values should be 0-1 RGB.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// Create a new sculpting context, then switch to it
sculptMeshCacheCtx sculptMeshCacheContext;
setToolTo sculptMeshCacheContext;

// Set sculptMeshCacheContext's brush size to 10.0
sculptMeshCacheCtx -e -sz 10.0 sculptMeshCacheContext;