spring is undoable, queryable, and editable.
The spring command can do any of the following:In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
If specified, springs will be added to the existing selected set of springs.
(Default is to create a new spring object.)

If True, sets the mode of spring application to All. This will add
springs between all points selected.
(Default is False.)
Return the number of springs in the shape. Query-only.
We maintain this flag only for compatibility with earlier versions
of Maya. To get the count of springs, it is much faster and simpler
to use the spring shape's count attribute: getAttr <shapeName>.count.
Damping factor for the springs created in the spring object.
(Default = 0.2 )
Damping factor for the springs created in the spring object. This will
initialize all the entries in dampingPS to the specified value.
In both the flag and the attribute name, "PS" stands for "per-spring."
(Default = 0.2 )
Amount of the force of the spring that gets applied to the point to which
the spring ends. Valid range is from 0.0 to 1.0. (Default = 1.0 )
If true, tells the command to create springs only between pairs of
points which are not in the same object.
(Default is False.)
Vestigial form of "restLength." Please use "restLength" instead.

Maximum distance between two points that a spring would be
Minimum distance between two points that a spring would be considered.
(Default = 0.0. See Defaults for more information on this flag's default.)
If True, sets the mode of the spring application to Min/Max.
This will add springs between all points from the specified point groups
that are between the minimum and maximum distance values set with min and max.
(Default is False.)
Note: This gets automatically set if either the min or max flags are used.

Check for existing springs and don't add a new spring between
two points already connected by a spring in the same object.
Only the object the command is working on is checked. This flag
is relevant only when using -add. (Default = false)
Per-object rest length for the new springs. Springs can use either
their per-object or per-spring rest length. See the -lPS and -ulp flags.
Per-spring rest length for the new springs. This will
initialize all the entries in restLengthPS to the specified value.
If this flag is not thrown, each rest length will be initialized to
the distance between the two points at the time the spring is created
(i.e., the initial length of the spring). When playing back, springs
can use either their per-spring or per-object rest length. See the
-rl and -urp flags.
In both the flag and the attribute name, "PS" stands for "per-spring."
Amount of the force of the spring that gets applied to the point from
which the spring starts. Valid range is from 0.0 to 1.0. (Default = 1.0 )
Stiffness of the springs created in the spring object. (Default = 1.0 )
-damp float
Vestigial form of "damping." Please use "damping" instead.
Stiffness of the springs created in the spring object. This will
initialize all the entries in stiffnessPS to the specified value.
In both the flag and the attribute name, "PS" stands for "per-spring."
(Default = 1.0 )
Specifies whether to use dampingPS (per spring damping).
If set to false, the per object damping attribute value will be used.
This flag simply sets the useDampingPS attribute of the spring shape.
In both the flag and the attribute name, "PS" stands for "per-spring."
(Default = false )
Specifies whether to use restLengthPS (per spring restLength).
If set to false, the per object restLength attribute value will be used.
This flag simply sets the useRestLengthPS attribute of the spring shape.
In both the flag and the attribute name, "PS" stands for "per-spring."
(Default = false )
Specifies whether to use stiffnessPS (per spring stiffness).
If set to false, the per object stiffness attribute value will be used.
This flag simply sets the useStiffnessPS attribute of the spring shape.
In both the flag and the attribute name, "PS" stands for "per-spring."
(Default = false )
This flag is valid only when doing wireframe creation.
It will create springs between pairs of points connected by the specified
number of edges. For example, if walk length is 2, each pair of points
separated by no more than 2 edges will get a spring. Walk length measures
the distance between pairs of vertices just like the number of blocks measures
the distance between two intersections in a city.
If True, sets the mode of the spring application to Wireframe.
This is valid only for springs created on a soft body.
It will add springs along all edges connecting the adjacent points
(vertices or CV's) of curves and surfaces.
(Default is False.)