Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Related. Flags. MEL examples.


subdEditUV [-angle float] [-pivotU float] [-pivotV float] [-relative boolean] [-rotateRatio float] [-rotation boolean] [-scale boolean] [-scaleU float] [-scaleV float] [-uValue float] [-uvSetName string] [-vValue float]

subdEditUV is undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

Command edits uvs on subdivision surfaces. When used with the query flag, it returns the uv values associated with the specified components.

Return value

booleanSuccess or Failure.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


subdivision, editUV, tweakUV, uvEditing




angle, pivotU, pivotV, relative, rotateRatio, rotation, scale, scaleU, scaleV, uValue, uvSetName, vValue
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-angle(-a) float createquery
Specifies the angle value (in degrees) that the uv values are to be rotated by.
-pivotU(-pu) float createquery
Specifies the pivot value, in the u direction, about which the scale or rotate is to be performed.
-pivotV(-pv) float createquery
Specifies the pivot value, in the v direction, about which the scale or rotate is to be performed.
-relative(-r) boolean createquery
Specifies whether this command is editing the values relative to the currently existing values. Default is true;
-rotateRatio(-rr) float createquery
Specifies the ratio value that the uv values are to be rotated by Default is 1.0
-rotation(-rot) boolean createquery
Specifies whether this command is editing the values with rotation values
-scale(-s) boolean createquery
Specifies whether this command is editing the values with scale values
-scaleU(-su) float createquery
Specifies the scale value in the u direction.
-scaleV(-sv) float createquery
Specifies the scale value in the v direction.
-uValue(-u) float createquery
Specifies the value, in the u direction - absolute if relative flag is false..
-uvSetName(-uvs) string createquery
Specifies the name of the uv set to edit uvs on. If not specified will use the current uv set if it exists.
-vValue(-v) float createquery
Specifies the value, in the v direction - absolute if relative flag is false..

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// To tweak the u and v values of selected uvs:
subdEditUV -relative true -uValue 0.05925926 -vValue 0.05555556 ;

// To set absolute values for u and v values of selected uvs:
subdEditUV -relative false -uValue 0.556 -vValue 0.56 ;

// To rotate selected uv points about a pivot:
subdEditUV -pivotU 0.5 -pivotV 0.5 -angle -15;

// To scale selected uv points about a pivot:
subdEditUV -pivotU 0.5 -pivotV 0.5 -scaleU -0.06 -scaleV -0.06;