Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Related. Flags. MEL examples.


timeEditorClipLayer [-addAttribute string] [-addLayer string] [-addObject string] [-allLayers] [-attribute string] [-attributeKeyable string] [-clipId int] [-index int] [-keySiblings] [-layerId int] [-layerName string] [-mode int] [-mute boolean] [-name] [-path string] [-removeAttribute string] [-removeLayer] [-removeObject string] [-resetSolo] [-setKeyframe] [-solo boolean] [-zeroKeying]

timeEditorClipLayer is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Time Editor clip layers commands

Return value

stringCommand result

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


timeEditor, nle, layer


timeEditor, timeEditorClip


addAttribute, addLayer, addObject, allLayers, attribute, attributeKeyable, clipId, index, keySiblings, layerId, layerName, mode, mute, name, path, removeAttribute, removeLayer, removeObject, resetSolo, setKeyframe, solo, zeroKeying
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-addAttribute(-aa) string edit
Add given plug to a layer with a supplied layerId.
-addLayer(-al) string edit
Add a new layer with a given name.
-addObject(-ao) string edit
Add given object with all its attributes in the clip to a layer with a supplied layerId.
-allLayers(-all) query
Return all layers given clip ID.
-attribute(-a) string editmultiuse
The attribute path to key.
-attributeKeyable(-ak) string query
Return whether specified attribute is keyable.
-clipId(-cid) int edit
ID of the clip this layer command operates on.

In query mode, this flag can accept a value.

-index(-idx) int edit
Layer index, used when adding new layer at specific location in the stack.
-keySiblings(-ks) edit
If set to true, additional attributes might be keyed while keying to achieve desired result.
-layerId(-lid) int edit
Layer ID used in conjunction with other edit flags.

In query mode, this flag can accept a value.

-layerName(-ln) string queryedit
Edit layer name. In query mode, return the layer name given its layer ID and clip ID.
-mode(-m) int edit
To control the playback speed of the clip by animation curve:
  • 0 : additive
  • 1 : additive override
  • 2 : override
  • 3 : override passthrough
-mute(-mu) boolean edit
Mute/unmute a layer given its layer ID and clip ID.
-name(-n) query
Query the attribute name of a layer given its layer ID and clip ID.
-path(-pt) string edit
Full path of a layer or a clip on which to operate. For example: composition1|track1|clip1|layer1; composition1|track1|group|track1|clip1.

In query mode, this flag can accept a value.

-removeAttribute(-ra) string edit
Remove given plug from a layer with a supplied layerId.
-removeLayer(-rl) edit
Remove layer with an ID.
-removeObject(-ro) string edit
Remove given object with all its attributes in the clip to a layer with a supplied layerId.
-resetSolo(-rs) edit
Unsolo all soloed layers in a given clip ID.
-setKeyframe(-k) edit
Set keyframe on specified attributes on specified layer of a clip. Use -clipId to indicate the specified clip. Use -layerId to indicate the specified layer of the clip. Use -attribute to indicate the specified attributes (if no attribute flag is used, all attribute will be keyed). Use -zeroKeying to indicate that zero offset from original animation should be keyed.
-solo(-sl) boolean edit
Solo/unsolo a layer given its layers ID and clip ID.
-zeroKeying(-zk) edit
Indicate if the key to set should be zero offset from original animation.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// Add an additive clip layer by clip ID
timeEditorClipLayer -e -clipId 1 -addLayer "Layer A" -mode 0;

// Add an additive clip layer by clip path
timeEditorClipLayer -e -path "Composition1|track1|Group|track1|Clip1" -addLayer "Layer B" -mode 0;

// Add an attribute to the given layer by clip ID and layer ID
timeEditorClipLayer -e -clipId 1 -addAttribute "cube.tx" -layerId 1;

// Add an attribute to the given layer path
timeEditorClipLayer -e -path "Composition1|track1|Clip1|Layer1" -addAttribute "cube.tx";

// Set key in the given layer
select cube;
move -r 10 0 0;
timeEditorClipLayer -e -setKeyframe -attribute "cube.tx" -clipId 1 -layerId 1;

// Remove layer attribute
timeEditorClipLayer -e -clipId 1 -removeAttribute "cube.tx" -layerId 1;

// Query the layer name
timeEditorClipLayer -clipId 1 -layerId 1 -q -layerName;

// Remove the specified layer by clip ID and layer ID
timeEditorClipLayer -e -clipId 1 -removeLayer -layerId 1;

// Remove the specified layer by layer path
timeEditorClipLayer -e -path "Composition1|track1|Clip1|Layer1" -removeLayer;