Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Related. Flags. MEL examples.


timeEditorTracks [-activeClipWeight time] [-activeClipWeightId time] [-addTrack int] [-allClips] [-allTracks] [-allTracksRecursive] [-composition] [-path string] [-plugIndex int] [-removeTrack int] [-removeTrackByPath string] [-reorderTrack int int] [-resetMute] [-resetSolo] [-selectedTracks] [-trackGhost boolean] [-trackIndex int] [-trackMuted boolean] [-trackName string] [-trackSolo boolean] [-trackType int]

timeEditorTracks is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Time Editor tracks commands

Return value

IntIn edit mode, return the newly created Track index.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


timeEditor, nle


timeEditor, timeEditorAnimSource, timeEditorClip, timeEditorComposition


activeClipWeight, activeClipWeightId, addTrack, allClips, allTracks, allTracksRecursive, composition, path, plugIndex, removeTrack, removeTrackByPath, reorderTrack, resetMute, resetSolo, selectedTracks, trackGhost, trackIndex, trackMuted, trackName, trackSolo, trackType
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-activeClipWeight(-acw) time query
Get the clip weight at the specified time.
-activeClipWeightId(-aci) time query
Get the clip ID carrying the active clip weight at the specified time.
-addTrack(-at) int edit
Add new track at the track index specified. Indices are 0-based. Specify -1 to add the track at the end.
-allClips(-ac) query
Return a list of clip IDs under the specified track.
-allTracks(-atc) query
Return a list of strings for all the immediate tracks for the given tracks node in the format "tracksNode:trackIndex".
-allTracksRecursive(-atr) query
Return a list of strings for all the tracks for the given tracks node, or return a list of strings for all tracks of all tracks nodes in the format "tracksNode:trackIndex". If the given root tracks node is from a composition, this command returns the tracks under that composition, including the tracks within groups that is under the same composition.
-composition(-cp) query
Return the composition the specified track belongs to.
-path(-pt) string edit
Full path of a track node or a track on which to operate. For example: composition1|track1|group; composition1|track1.

In query mode, this flag can accept a value.

-plugIndex(-pi) int queryedit
Get the plug index of the specified track.
-removeTrack(-rt) int editmultiuse
Remove track at given index. It is a multi-use flag.
-removeTrackByPath(-rtp) string editmultiuse
Remove track at given path. It is a multi-use flag. For example: composition1|track1|group|track1;
-reorderTrack(-rot) int int edit
Move the track relative to other tracks. The first argument is the track index (0-based). The second argument can be a positive or negative number to indicate the steps to move. Positive numbers move forward and negative numbers move backward.
-resetMute(-rm) create
Reset all the muted tracks in the active composition.
-resetSolo(-rs) create
Reset the soloing of all tracks on the active composition.
-selectedTracks(-st) query
Return a list of the indices for all the selected tracks for the given tracks node, or return a list of strings for all selected tracks of all tracks nodes in the format "tracksNode:trackIndex".
-trackGhost(-tgh) boolean queryedit
Ghost all clips under track.
-trackIndex(-ti) int queryedit
Specify the track index. This flag is used in conjunction with the other flags.

In query mode, this flag can accept a value.

-trackMuted(-tm) boolean queryedit
Return whether the track is muted.
-trackName(-tn) string queryedit
Display name of the track.
-trackSolo(-ts) boolean queryedit
Return whether the track is soloed.
-trackType(-tt) int queryedit
Specify the track type. Can only be used together with -at/addTrack. Does not work by itself. In query mode, return the integer corresponding to the track type.
  • 0: Animation Track (Default)
  • 1: Audio Track

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// Insert a track at the end
timeEditorTracks -e -addTrack -1 container1_tracks;

// Insert a track at the end by path, inside a composition
timeEditorTracks -e -addTrack -1 -path "composition1";

// Insert a track at the end by path, inside a group clip
timeEditorTracks -e -addTrack -1 -path "composition1|track1|groupClip";

// Remove the track from "container1_tracks"
timeEditorTracks -e -removeTrack 1 container1_tracks;

// Remove the tracks by paths
timeEditorTracks -e -removeTrackByPath "composition1|track2" -removeTrackByPath "composition1|track1|group|track3"

// Move track 0 forward 1 siblings
timeEditorTracks -e -reorderTrack 0 1 container1_tracks;

// Set the track name
timeEditorTracks -e -trackName "Test" -trackIndex 0 container1_tracks;

// Set the track name by path
timeEditorTracks -e -trackName "Test" -path "composition1|track1";

// Mute the track
timeEditorTracks -e -trackMuted true -trackIndex 0 container1_tracks;