Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


viewManip [-bottomLeft] [-bottomRight] [-compassAngle float] [-dragSnap boolean] [-drawCompass boolean] [-fitToView] [-frontParameters string] [-goDefault] [-goHome] [-homeParameters string] [-levelCamera] [-minOpacity float] [-namespace string] [-postCommand string] [-preCommand string] [-preserveSceneUp boolean] [-resetFront] [-resetHome] [-restoreCenter] [-selectionLockParameters string] [-setFront] [-setHome] [-size string] [-toggleSelectionLock] [-topLeft] [-topRight] [-visible boolean] [-zoomToFitScene boolean]

viewManip is undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

Mel access to the view cube manipulator.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


bottomLeft, bottomRight, compassAngle, dragSnap, drawCompass, fitToView, frontParameters, goDefault, goHome, homeParameters, levelCamera, minOpacity, namespace, postCommand, preCommand, preserveSceneUp, resetFront, resetHome, restoreCenter, selectionLockParameters, setFront, setHome, size, toggleSelectionLock, topLeft, topRight, visible, zoomToFitScene
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-bottomLeft(-bl) createquery
Positions the cube in the bottom left of the screen.
-bottomRight(-br) createquery
Positions the cube in the bottom right of the screen.
-compassAngle(-ca) float createquery
Angle (in degrees) to rotate the compass.
-dragSnap(-ds) boolean createquery
Enable snapping of orbit direction to view cube part directions during drag operation.
-drawCompass(-dc) boolean createquery
Show compass below the view cube.
-fitToView(-ftv) create
Fits the scene bounding box to the active view.
-frontParameters(-fp) string createquery
Parameter string for the front position
-goDefault(-gd) createquery
Go to the default position
-goHome(-gh) createquery
Go to the home position
-homeParameters(-hp) string createquery
Parameter string for the home position
-levelCamera(-lc) create
Flattens the camera view rotation relative to the ground plane.
-minOpacity(-mo) float createquery
Opacity level (in range [0,1]) on view cube when the cursor is away from it (it is fully opaque when the cursor is in the view cube area).
-namespace(-ns) string createquery
Namespace to use for the object
-postCommand(-p) string createquery
Command to run after moving
-preCommand(-pr) string createquery
Command to run before moving
-preserveSceneUp(-psu) boolean createquery
Specify whether the scene "up" direction should be preserved
-resetFront(-rf) createquery
Reset the front position
-resetHome(-rh) createquery
Reset the home position
-restoreCenter(-rc) create
Repositions the pivot point for orbiting/tumbling the scene to the center of the scene's bounding box.
-selectionLockParameters(-slp) string createquery
String containing the selection lock parameters
-setFront(-sf) create
Set the front view to the current one
-setHome(-sh) create
Set the home view to the current one
-size(-s) string createquery
Set or query the size of the View Cube, which can be one of "tiny", "small", "normal", "large" or "auto". When set to "auto" the View Cube will be automatically set to the size most appropriate for the view.
-toggleSelectionLock(-tsl) create
Toggle the selection lock
-topLeft(-tl) createquery
Positions the cube in the top left of the screen.
-topRight(-tr) createquery
Positions the cube in the top right of the screen.
-visible(-v) boolean createquery
Shows/hides the view manip.
-zoomToFitScene(-zf) boolean createquery
Zoom the camera during animated transitions to fit the scene object in the viewport.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

//Position the view cube in the top left of the screen and set it to fully opaque
viewManip -topLeft -minOpacity 1;