Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. MEL examples.


workspaceLayoutManager [-collapseMainWindowControls string boolean] [-current] [-delete string] [-import string] [-listLayouts] [-listModuleLayouts] [-listUserLayouts] [-modified string] [-parentWorkspaceControl string] [-reset] [-restoreMainWindowControls] [-save] [-saveAs string] [-setCurrent string] [-setCurrentCallback string] [-setModifiedCallback string] [-type string] [name]

workspaceLayoutManager is undoable, queryable, and editable.

The Workspace Layout Manager loads and saves the layout of the various toolbars and windows in the user interface. This command allows listing and managing their properties.

Return value

string[]depending on arguments

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


collapseMainWindowControls, current, delete, import, listLayouts, listModuleLayouts, listUserLayouts, modified, parentWorkspaceControl, reset, restoreMainWindowControls, save, saveAs, setCurrent, setCurrentCallback, setModifiedCallback, type
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-collapseMainWindowControls(-cmw) string boolean create
Saves main window layout and collapses all other controls in main window except the given one (first parameter) if it does not have any size constraint. Second parameter specifies if main window UI elements should be hidden or not.
-current(-cu) createquery
Get the name of the current layout.
-delete(-d) string create
Delete the given workspace. The string is the name of the layout, not the file name.
-import(-i) string create
Import the given workspace file to the workspaces directory. The string is an absolute path.
-listLayouts(-ll) create
List the names of all registered layouts.
-listModuleLayouts(-lml) create
List the names of module layouts.
-listUserLayouts(-lul) create
List the names of user layouts.
-modified(-m) string create
Check whether or not the specified layout has been modified.
-parentWorkspaceControl(-pwc) string create
Returns the parent workspace control of the given UI (panel) or an empty string if it does not exist.
-reset(-rs) create
Reset the current workspace to its original layout. Factory layouts will be reverted to default while user layouts will be reloaded from disk.
-restoreMainWindowControls(-rmw) create
Restores the main window layout to the one saved with the -cmw/-collapseMainWindowControls flag. The loaded workspace file will be deleted once it is restored.
-save(-s) create
Save the current layout.
-saveAs(-sa) string create
Save the current layout under the specified name.
-setCurrent(-sc) string create
Load the given workspace. The string is the name of the layout, not the file name.
-setCurrentCallback(-scc) string create
MEL only. The string is interpreted as a MEL callback, which is called each time a layout is set as current (with -setCurrent flag). The callback is of the form:

global proc MySetCurrentCallback(string $layoutName)

-setModifiedCallback(-smc) string create
MEL only. The string is interpreted as a MEL callback, which is called each time a layout is modified or restored, that is, each time the -modified flag value changes. The callback is of the form:

global proc MySetModifiedCallback()

-type(-t) string create
Get the type of the specified layout: FACTORY, FACTORY_OVERRIDE, MODULE, MODULE_OVERRIDE or USER.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

workspaceLayoutManager -listLayouts