Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related. Flags. Python examples.


bakeSimulation( objects , [animation=string], [attribute=string], [bakeOnOverrideLayer=boolean], [controlPoints=boolean], [destinationLayer=string], [disableImplicitControl=boolean], [float=floatrange], [hierarchy=string], [includeUpperBound=boolean], [index=uint], [minimizeRotation=boolean], [preserveOutsideKeys=boolean], [removeBakedAnimFromLayer=boolean], [removeBakedAttributeFromLayer=boolean], [resolveWithoutLayer=string], [sampleBy=time], [shape=boolean], [simulation=boolean], [smart=[[, boolean, float, ]]], [sparseAnimCurveBake=boolean], [time=timerange])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

bakeSimulation is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command operates on a keyset. A keyset is defined as a group of keys within a specified time range on one or more animation curves.

The animation curves comprising a keyset depend on the value of the "-animation" flag:

Note that the "-animation" flag can be used to override the curves uniquely identified by the multi-use "-attribute" flag, which takes an argument of the form attributeName, such as "translateX".

Keys on animation curves are identified by either their time values or their indices. Times and indices can be given individually or as part of a list or range (see Examples).

The bakeSimulation command is obsolete. Instead, "bakeResults -simulation true" should be used. The bakeSimulation command has retained for backwards compatibility.

This command allows the user to replace a chain of dependency nodes, or implicit relationship, such as those between joints and IK handles, which define the value of an attribute, with a single animation curve. Command allows the user to specify the range and frequency of sampling. Unlike the bakeResults command, this command will actually set the time of the current scene to all the times, in sequence, inside the given time interval before it sets the time back to when it is started. As a result, it may modify the scene.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


bakeClip, bakeResults


animation, attribute, bakeOnOverrideLayer, controlPoints, destinationLayer, disableImplicitControl, float, hierarchy, includeUpperBound, index, minimizeRotation, preserveOutsideKeys, removeBakedAnimFromLayer, removeBakedAttributeFromLayer, resolveWithoutLayer, sampleBy, shape, simulation, smart, sparseAnimCurveBake, time
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
animation(an) string create
Where this command should get the animation to act on. Valid values are "objects," "keys," and "keysOrObjects" Default: "keysOrObjects." (See Description for details.)
attribute(at) string createmultiuse
List of attributes to select

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

bakeOnOverrideLayer(bol) boolean create
If true, all layered and baked attributes will be added as a top override layer.
controlPoints(cp) boolean create
This flag explicitly specifies whether or not to include the control points of a shape (see "-s" flag) in the list of attributes. Default: false. (Not valid for "pasteKey" cmd.)

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

destinationLayer(dl) string create
This flag can be used to specify an existing layer where the baked results should be stored.
disableImplicitControl(dic) boolean create
Whether to disable implicit control after the anim curves are obtained as the result of this command. An implicit control to an attribute is some function that affects the attribute without using an explicit dependency graph connection. The control of IK, via ik handles, is an example.
float(f) floatrange createmultiuse
value uniquely representing a non-time-based key (or key range) on a time-based animCurve. Valid floatRange include single values (-f 10) or a string with a lower and upper bound, separated by a colon (-f "10:20")

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

hierarchy(hi) string create
Hierarchy expansion options. Valid values are "above," "below," "both," and "none." (Not valid for "pasteKey" cmd.)

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

includeUpperBound(iub) boolean create
When the -t/time or -f/float flags represent a range of keys, this flag determines whether the keys at the upper bound of the range are included in the keyset. Default value: true. This flag is only valid when the argument to the -t/time flag is a time range with a lower and upper bound. (When used with the "pasteKey" command, this flag refers only to the time range of the target curve that is replaced, when using options such as "replace," "fitReplace," or "scaleReplace." This flag has no effect on the curve pasted from the clipboard.)
index(index) uint createmultiuse
index of a key on an animCurve

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

minimizeRotation(mr) boolean create
Specify whether to minimize the local euler component from key to key during baking of rotation channels.
preserveOutsideKeys(pok) boolean create
Whether to preserve keys that are outside the bake range when there are directly connected animation curves. The default (false) is to remove frames outside the bake range. If the channel that you are baking is not controlled by a single animation curve, then a new animation curve will be created with keys only in the bake range.
removeBakedAnimFromLayer(rba) boolean create
If true, all baked animation will be removed from the layer.
removeBakedAttributeFromLayer(ral) boolean create
If true, all baked attributes will be removed from the layer.
resolveWithoutLayer(rwl) string createmultiuse
This flag can be used to specify a list of layers to be merged together during the bake process. This is a multi-use flag. Its name refers to the fact that when solving for the value to key, it determines the proper value to key on the destination layer to achieve the same result as the merged layers.
sampleBy(sb) time create
Amount to sample by. Default is 1.0 in current timeUnit
shape(s) boolean create
Consider attributes of shapes below transforms as well, except "controlPoints". Default: true. (Not valid for "pasteKey" cmd.)

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

simulation(sm) boolean create
Using this flag instructs the command to preform a simulation instead of just evaluating each attribute separately over the range of time. The simulation flag is required to bake animation that that depends on the whole scene being evaluated at each time step such as dynamics. The default is true.
smart(sr) [[, boolean, float, ]] create
Specify whether to enable smart bake and the optional smart bake tolerance.
sparseAnimCurveBake(sac) boolean create
When baking anim curves, do not insert any keys into areas of the curve where animation is defined. And, use as few keys as possible to bake the pre and post infinity behaviors. When this is false, one key will be inserted at each time step. The default is false.
time(t) timerange createmultiuse
time uniquely representing a key (or key range) on a time-based animCurve. See the code examples below on how to format for a single frame or frame ranges.

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Keys on animation curves are identified by either
# their time values or their indices.  Times and indices can
# be given as a range or list of ranges.

# time=('10pal','10pal') means the key at frame 10 (PAL format).
# time=[('1.0sec','1.0sec'),('15ntsc','15ntsc'),(20,20)] means the keys at time 1.0 second, frame 15 (in NTSC format), and time 20 (in the currently defined global time unit).
# time=(10,20) means all keys in the range from 10 to 20, inclusive, in the current time unit.
# Omitting one end of a range means "go to infinity", as in the following examples:
# time=(10,None) means all keys from time 10 (in the current time unit) onwards.
# time=(10,) means the same as (10,10)
# time=(0,10) means all keys up to (and including) time 10 (in the current time unit).
# time=(None,None) is a short form to specify all keys.
# index=(0,0) means the first key of each animation curve. (Indices are 0-based.)
# index=[(2,2),(5,5),(7,7)] means the 3rd, 6th, and 8th keys.
# index=(1,5) means the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th keys of each animation curve.

# To replace the animation driven by an ik handle of joints,
# starting from joint1, with separate animCurves, within the
# time interval 5-44, with a sampling frequency of 2 timeUnits,
# use the following command:
cmds.bakeSimulation( 'joint1', t=(5,44), sb=2, at=["rx","ry","rz"], hi="below" )