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flexor( [objects] , [atBones=boolean], [atJoints=boolean], [deformerCommand=string], [list=boolean], [name=string], [noScale=boolean], [toSkeleton=boolean], [type=string])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

flexor is undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command creates a flexor. A flexor a deformer plus a set of driving attributes. For example, a flexor might be a sculpt object that is driven by a joint's x rotation and a cube's y position.

Return value

string[](the names of the new flexor nodes)

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


cluster, deformer, lattice, percent, sculpt, wire, wrinkle


atBones, atJoints, deformerCommand, list, name, noScale, toSkeleton, type
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
atBones(ab) boolean create
Add a flexor at bones. Flexor will be added at each of the selected bones, or at all bones in the selected skeleton if the -ts flag is also specified.
atJoints(aj) boolean create
Add a flexor at joints. Flexor will be added at each of the selected joints, or at all joints in the selected skeleton if the -ts flag is specified.
deformerCommand(dc) string create
String representing underlying deformer command string.
list(l) boolean query
List all possible types of flexors. Query mode only.
name(n) string create
This flag is obsolete.
noScale(ns) boolean create
Do not auto-scale the flexor to the size of the nearby geometry.
toSkeleton(ts) boolean create
Specifies that flexors will be added to the entire skeleton rather than just to the selected joints/bones. This flag is used in conjunction with the -ab and -aj flags.
type(typ) string create
Specifies which type of flexor. To see list of valid types, use the "flexor -query -list" command.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Create a sculpt object with a max displacement of 4.0 at the
# selected joint
cmds.flexor( typ='sculpt', dc="sculpt -mxd 4.0", aj=True )

# Create a lattice flexor at all joints on the skeleton:
cmds.flexor( type='jointLattice', aj=True, ts=True )

# Create a lattice flexor of dimensions 4 6 4 on the selected joint
cmds.flexor( type='jointLattice', dc="lattice -dv 4 6 4 -cp -dualBase true", aj=True)