Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


grid([default=boolean], [displayAxes=boolean], [displayAxesBold=boolean], [displayDivisionLines=boolean], [displayGridLines=boolean], [displayOrthographicLabels=boolean], [displayPerspectiveLabels=boolean], [divisions=uint], [orthographicLabelPosition=string], [perspectiveLabelPosition=string], [reset=boolean], [size=linear], [spacing=linear], [style=uint], [toggle=boolean])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

grid is undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

This command changes the size and spacing of lines on the ground plane displayed in the perspective and orthographic views.

This command lets you reset the ground plane, change its size and grid line spacing, grid subdivisions and display options.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


default, displayAxes, displayAxesBold, displayDivisionLines, displayGridLines, displayOrthographicLabels, displayPerspectiveLabels, divisions, orthographicLabelPosition, perspectiveLabelPosition, reset, size, spacing, style, toggle
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
default(df) boolean query
Used to specify/query default values.
displayAxes(da) boolean query
Specify true to display the grid axes.
displayAxesBold(dab) boolean query
Specify true to accent the grid axes by drawing them with a thicker line.
displayDivisionLines(ddl) boolean query
Specify true to display the subdivision lines between grid lines.
displayGridLines(dgl) boolean query
Specify true to display the grid lines.
displayOrthographicLabels(dol) boolean query
Specify true to display the grid line numeric labels in the orthographic views.
displayPerspectiveLabels(dpl) boolean query
Specify true to display the grid line numeric labels in the perspective view.
divisions(d) uint query
Sets the number of subdivisions between major grid lines. The default is 10. If the spacing is 10 units, setting divisions to 10 will cause division lines to appear 1 unit apart.
orthographicLabelPosition(olp) string query
The position of the grid's numeric labels in orthographic views. Valid values are "axis" and "edge".
perspectiveLabelPosition(plp) string query
The position of the grid's numeric labels in perspective views. Valid values are "axis" and "edge".
reset(r) boolean
Resets the ground plane to its default values
size(s) linear query
Sets the size of the grid in linear units. The default is 12 units.
spacing(sp) linear query
Sets the spacing between major grid lines in linear units. The default is 10 units.
style(st) uint query
This flag is obsolete and should not be used.
toggle(tgl) boolean query
Turns the ground plane display off in all windows, including orthographic windows. Default is true.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

#To toggle the grid display of the grid (in all views):
currState = cmds.grid( toggle=True, q=True )
cmds.grid( toggle=(currState == 0) )

# To reset the grid to default values:
cmds.grid( reset=True )

# To change the grid spacing and subdivisions:
cmds.grid( spacing=10, d=10 )

# To set the defaults for inches
cmds.grid( default=True, spacing='1in', size='1ft', divisions=4 )

# To change the size of the grid to 20x20, extending 10 units
# in each direction:
cmds.grid( spacing=10 )

# To query the current size of the grid:
# returns a size in the current linear unit.
cmds.grid( query=True, size=True )

# A typical grid would be a grid size of 20x20, with
# major grid lines every 10 units, with 10 divisions between
# major grid lines. This be done with the following command.
cmds.grid( size='10cm', sp='10.0cm', d=10 )

# Turn on numeric grid labels.
cmds.grid( displayPerspectiveLabels=True )

# Display grid labels along the axes.
cmds.grid( perspectiveLabelPosition='axis' )