Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


manipOptions([enableSmartDuplicate=boolean], [enableSmartExtrude=boolean], [forceRefresh=boolean], [handleSize=float], [hideManipOnCtrl=boolean], [hideManipOnShift=boolean], [hideManipOnShiftCtrl=boolean], [linePick=float], [lineSize=float], [middleMouseRepositioning=boolean], [pivotRotateHandleOffset=int], [planeHandleOffset=int], [pointSize=float], [preselectHighlight=boolean], [refreshMode=int], [relative=boolean], [rememberActiveHandle=boolean], [rememberActiveHandleAfterToolSwitch=boolean], [scale=float], [showExtrudeSliders=boolean], [showPivotRotateHandle=boolean], [showPlaneHandles=boolean], [smartDuplicateType=int])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

manipOptions is undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

Changes the global manipulator parameters

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


enableSmartDuplicate, enableSmartExtrude, forceRefresh, handleSize, hideManipOnCtrl, hideManipOnShift, hideManipOnShiftCtrl, linePick, lineSize, middleMouseRepositioning, pivotRotateHandleOffset, planeHandleOffset, pointSize, preselectHighlight, refreshMode, relative, rememberActiveHandle, rememberActiveHandleAfterToolSwitch, scale, showExtrudeSliders, showPivotRotateHandle, showPlaneHandles, smartDuplicateType
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
enableSmartDuplicate(esd) boolean createquery
Enables Shift-Duplicate option on t/r/s manips.
enableSmartExtrude(ese) boolean createquery
Enables Shift-Extrude option on t/r/s manips.
forceRefresh(fr) boolean create
Force a refresh if there is any deferred evaluation.
handleSize(hs) float createquery
Sets the maximum handles size in pixels, for small handles
hideManipOnCtrl(hmc) boolean createquery
Hide transform manip when the Ctrl key is pressed.
hideManipOnShift(hms) boolean createquery
Hide transform manip when the Shift key is pressed.
hideManipOnShiftCtrl(hsc) boolean createquery
Hide transform manip when the Shift and Ctrl keys are both pressed.
linePick(lp) float createquery
Set the width of picking zone for long handles
lineSize(ls) float createquery
Set the width of long handles (drawn as lines)
middleMouseRepositioning(mm) boolean createquery
Specify if the middle mouse should reposition
pivotRotateHandleOffset(pro) int createquery
Set the offset of the pivot rotation handle.
planeHandleOffset(pho) int createquery
Set the offset of the planar drag handles.
pointSize(ps) float createquery
Set the size of points (used to display previous states)
preselectHighlight(psh) boolean createquery
Set whether manip handles should be highlighted when moving mouse.
refreshMode(rm) int createquery
Set the global refresh mode.
relative(r) boolean create
All values are interpreted as multiplication factors instead of final values.
rememberActiveHandle(rah) boolean createquery
Set whether manip handles should be remembered after selection change.
rememberActiveHandleAfterToolSwitch(rhs) boolean createquery
Set whether manip handles should be remembered after manipulator change.
scale(s) float createquery
Global scaling factor of all manipulators
showExtrudeSliders(ses) boolean createquery
Specify if the extrude sliders are to be shown on the manip
showPivotRotateHandle(spr) boolean createquery
Toggles the visibility of the pivot rotation handle.
showPlaneHandles(sph) boolean createquery
Toggles the visibility of the planar drag handles.
smartDuplicateType(sdt) int createquery
Change Shift-Duplicate or Shift-Extrude between Copy and Instance on t/r/s manips.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# Scales all handles by a 1.5 factor
cmds.manipOptions( r=True, hs=1.5, ls=1.5 )

# All manips are scaled by 2
cmds.manipOptions( s=2 )