Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Flags. Python examples.


manipPivot([bakeOri=boolean], [moveToolOri=int], [ori=[float, float, float]], [oriValid=boolean], [pinPivot=boolean], [pos=[float, float, float]], [posValid=boolean], [reset=boolean], [resetOri=boolean], [resetPos=boolean], [rotateToolOri=int], [scaleToolOri=int], [snapOri=boolean], [snapPos=boolean], [valid=boolean])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

manipPivot is undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

Changes transform component pivot used by the move/rotate/scale manipulators.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


bakeOri, moveToolOri, ori, oriValid, pinPivot, pos, posValid, reset, resetOri, resetPos, rotateToolOri, scaleToolOri, snapOri, snapPos, valid
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
bakeOri(bo) boolean createquery
Bake pivot orientation. Automatically bake pivot orientation changes into the transform hierarchy / geometry.
moveToolOri(mto) int create
Change move tool's axis orientation to the specified mode. This flag is the same as using "manipMoveContext -e -mode" on the Move tool except that this command is undoable.
ori(o) [float, float, float] createquery
Component pivot orientation in world-space.
oriValid(ov) boolean query
Returns true if component pivot orientation is valid.
pinPivot(pin) boolean createquery
Pin component pivot. Selection changes will not reset the pivot position/orientation when a custom pivot is set and pinning is on.
pos(p) [float, float, float] createquery
Component pivot position in world-space.
posValid(pv) boolean query
Returns true if component pivot position is valid.
reset(r) boolean create
Clear the saved component pivot position and orientation.
resetOri(ro) boolean create
Clear the saved component pivot orientation.
resetPos(rp) boolean create
Clear the saved component pivot position.
rotateToolOri(rto) int create
Change rotate tool's axis orientation to the specified mode. This flag is the same as using "manipRotateContext -e -mode" on the Rotate tool except that this command is undoable.
scaleToolOri(sto) int create
Change scale tool's axis orientation to the specified mode. This flag is the same as using "manipScaleContext -e -mode" on the Scale tool except that this command is undoable.
snapOri(so) boolean createquery
Snap pivot orientation. Modify pivot orientation when snapping the pivot to a component.
snapPos(sp) boolean createquery
Snap pivot position. Modify pivot position when snapping the pivot to a component.
valid(v) boolean query
Returns true if component pivot position or orientation is valid.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

// Set tool component pivot to <1,0,0>
cmds.manipPivot( p=(1, 0, 0) )