Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Flags. Python examples.


polyColorBlindData([aboveMaxColorBlue=float], [aboveMaxColorGreen=float], [aboveMaxColorRed=float], [attrName=string], [belowMinColorBlue=float], [belowMinColorGreen=float], [belowMinColorRed=float], [clashColorBlue=float], [clashColorGreen=float], [clashColorRed=float], [colorBlue=float], [colorGreen=float], [colorRed=float], [dataType=string], [enableFalseColor=boolean], [maxColorBlue=float], [maxColorGreen=float], [maxColorRed=float], [maxValue=float], [minColorBlue=float], [minColorGreen=float], [minColorRed=float], [minValue=float], [mode=int], [noColorBlue=float], [noColorGreen=float], [noColorRed=float], [numIdTypes=int], [queryMode=boolean], [typeId=int], [useMax=boolean], [useMin=boolean], [value=string])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

polyColorBlindData is NOT undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable.

This command applies false color to the selected polygonal components and objects, depending on whether or not blind data exists for the selected components (or, in the case of poly objects, dynamic attributes), and, depending on the color mode indicated, what the values are. It is possible to color objects based on whether or not the data exists, if the data matches a specific value or range of values, or grayscale color the data according to what the actual value is in relation to the specified min and max. This command also has a query mode in which the components and/or objects are returned in a string array to allow for selection filtering.

Return value

string[]Command result


color, query, blind, data


aboveMaxColorBlue, aboveMaxColorGreen, aboveMaxColorRed, attrName, belowMinColorBlue, belowMinColorGreen, belowMinColorRed, clashColorBlue, clashColorGreen, clashColorRed, colorBlue, colorGreen, colorRed, dataType, enableFalseColor, maxColorBlue, maxColorGreen, maxColorRed, maxValue, minColorBlue, minColorGreen, minColorRed, minValue, mode, noColorBlue, noColorGreen, noColorRed, numIdTypes, queryMode, typeId, useMax, useMin, value
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
aboveMaxColorBlue(amb) float createmultiuse
Specifies blue component of color to use for data that is above max
aboveMaxColorGreen(amg) float createmultiuse
Specifies green component of color to use for data that is above max
aboveMaxColorRed(amr) float createmultiuse
Specifies red component of color to use for data that is above max
attrName(n) string createmultiuse
Specifies the name of the data that is being examined by this command.
belowMinColorBlue(bmb) float createmultiuse
Specifies blue component of color to use for data that is below min
belowMinColorGreen(bmg) float createmultiuse
Specifies green component of color to use for data that is below min
belowMinColorRed(bmr) float createmultiuse
Specifies red component of color to use for data that is below min
clashColorBlue(ccb) float create
Specifies blue component color to use for data which clashes
clashColorGreen(ccg) float create
Specifies green component color to use for data which clashes
clashColorRed(ccr) float create
Specifies red component color to use for data which clashes
colorBlue(cb) float createmultiuse
Specifies blue component of color to use for given data
colorGreen(cg) float createmultiuse
Specifies green component of color to use for given data
colorRed(cr) float createmultiuse
Specifies red component of color to use for given data
dataType(dt) string createmultiuse
Specifies the type for this id
enableFalseColor(efc) boolean create
Turns false coloring on or off for all poly objects in the scene
maxColorBlue(mxb) float createmultiuse
Specifies blue component of color to use for max value for grayscale
maxColorGreen(mxg) float createmultiuse
Specifies green component of color to use for max value for grayscale
maxColorRed(mxr) float createmultiuse
Specifies red component of color to use for max value for grayscale
maxValue(mxv) float createmultiuse
Specifies the max value for grayscale or discrete range data
minColorBlue(mnb) float createmultiuse
Specifies blue component of color to use for min value for grayscale
minColorGreen(mng) float createmultiuse
Specifies green component of color to use for min value for grayscale
minColorRed(mnr) float createmultiuse
Specifies red component of color to use for min value for grayscale
minValue(mnv) float createmultiuse
Specifies the min value for grayscale or discrete range data
mode(m) int createmultiuse
Specifies the mode:
  • 0 : binary - only components and objects that have the data will be colored
  • 1 : discrete value - a value is specified. Data that matches this value will be colored
  • 2 : discrete range - values that fall within the given range will be colored
  • 3 : unsigned set mode - if ( givenValue & actualValue ) then data will be colored
  • 4 : unsigned not set mode - if ( !(givenValue & actualValue) ) then data will be colored
  • 5 : unsigned equal mode - if ( givenValue == actualValue ) then data will be colored
  • 6 : grayscale mode - a min value, max value, min color, max color, below min color, and above max color are given. Data is colored according to how it relates to these values.
  • 7 : as color mode - if the blind data consists of 3 doubles, ranged 0-1, the components are colored as the data specifies
noColorBlue(ncb) float create
Specifies blue component of color to use for no data assigned
noColorGreen(ncg) float create
Specifies green component of color to use for no data assigned
noColorRed(ncr) float create
Specifies red component of color to use for no data assigned
numIdTypes(num) int createmultiuse
Specifies how many attrs are in this id type
queryMode(q) boolean create
If on, do not color and return selection as string array instead. Any data that would be colored normally (except for 'no color' and out of range colors) is returned
typeId(id) int createmultiuse
Specifies the typeId of the BlindData type being created
useMax(umx) boolean createmultiuse
Specifies whether the max should be used for discrete ranges
useMin(umn) boolean createmultiuse
Specifies whether the min should be used for discrete ranges
value(v) string createmultiuse
The value of the data

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# In these examples we have type 1000, with one double attribute
# called "fluffy", and type 1001 with attributes "grimy" and "slimy".

# Color all items of id 1000 red. Note that we must also specify
# None color (black) and Clash color(cyan). Note that we must also
# specify the names of the attributes, even if we don't care about
# the attribute values:
cmds.polyColorBlindData( ncr=0, ncg=0, ncb=0, ccr=0, ccg=1, ccb=1, id=1000, num=1, m=0, n='fluffy', cr=1, cg=0, cb=0 )

# Now color only those values of "fluffy" between 2 and 5:
cmds.polyColorBlindData( ncr=0, ncg=0, ncb=0, ccr=0, ccg=1, ccb=1, id=1000, num=1, m=2, dt='double', n='fluffy', umn=1, mnv=2, umx=1, mxv=5, cr=1, cg=0, cb=0 )

# Note for a continuous range query we must specify min, max and
# out of range color instead of just color (here values between 2 and 5
# are colored between white and gray, out of range values are yellow):
cmds.polyColorBlindData( ncr=0, ncg=0, ncb=0, ccr=0, ccg=1, ccb=1, id=1000, num=1, m=6, dt='double', n='fluffy', bmr=1, bmg=1, bmb=0, amr=1, amg=1, amb=0, mnr=0.250980407, mng=0.250980407, mnb=0.250980407, mxr=1, mxg=1, mxb=1, mnv=2, mxv=5 )

# Now, for attribute "fluffy", color values of 2 red and values of 2 green:
cmds.polyColorBlindData( ncr=0, ncg=0, ncb=0, ccr=0, ccg=1, ccb=1, id=1000, num=1, m=1, dt='double', n='fluffy', v='2', cr=1, cg=0, cb=0, id=1000, num=1, m=1, dt='double', n='fluffy', v='3', cr=0, cg=1, cb=0 )

# To just query and not color, filter the active selection list
# and return the list of components that meet the criteria (in this
# case having blind data of type 1000)
cmds.polyColorBlindData( 1000, '-num', 1, '-m', 0, '-n', 'fluffy', query=True, id=True )

# Now if we have 2 attributes:
cmds.polyColorBlindData( ncr=0, ncg=0, ncb=0, ccr=0, ccg=1, ccb=1, id=1001, num=2, m=0, n='grimy', n='slimy', cr=1, cg=0, cb=0 )

# Note that when querying for value, values of all attrs must be specified
# here we set (grimy = 22, slimy = 1) to be red, and (grimy = 55, slimy = 2)
# to be green

cmds.polyColorBlindData( ncr=0, ncg=0, ncb=0, ccr=0, ccg=1, ccb=1, id=1001, num=2, m=1, dt='double', n='grimy', v='22', cr=1, cg=0, cb=0, dt='int', n='slimy', v='1', cr=1, cg=0, cb=0, id=1001, num=2, m=1, dt='double', n='grimy', v='55', cr=0, cg=1, cb=0, dt='int', n='slimy', v='2', cr=0, cg=1, cb=0 )