Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Related. Flags. Python examples.


timeEditor([allClips=string], [clipId=int], [commonParentTrack=boolean], [composition=string], [drivingClipsForAttr=string], [drivingClipsForObj=[string, int]], [includeParent=boolean], [mute=boolean], [selectedClips=string], [topLevelClips=string])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

timeEditor is undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

General Time Editor commands

Return value

stringCommand result

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


timeEditor, nle


timeEditorAnimSource, timeEditorClip, timeEditorComposition, timeEditorTracks


allClips, clipId, commonParentTrack, composition, drivingClipsForAttr, drivingClipsForObj, includeParent, mute, selectedClips, topLevelClips
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
allClips(alc) string create
Return an exhaustive (recursive) list of all clip IDs from the active composition. Arguments may be used to filter the returning result. An empty string will return clip IDs for all clip types:
  • roster
  • container
  • group
clipId(id) int createmultiuse
ID of the clip to be edited.
commonParentTrack(cpt) boolean create
Locate the common parent track node and track index of the given clip IDs. Requires a list of clip IDs to be specified using the clipId flag. The format of the returned string is "track_node:track_index". If the clips specified are on the same track node but in different track indexes, only the track node will be returned.
composition(cp) string create
A flag to use in conjunction with -dca/drivingClipsForObj to indicate the name of composition to use. By default if this flag is not provided, current active composition will be used.
drivingClipsForAttr(dca) string create
Return a list of clips driving the specified attribute(s). If the composition is not specified, current active composition will be used.
drivingClipsForObj(dco) [string, int] create
Return a list of clips driving the specified object(s) with an integer value indicating the matching mode. If no object is specified explicitly, the selected object(s) will be used. Objects that cannot be driven by clips are ignored. If the composition is not specified, current active composition will be used. Default match mode is 0.
  • 0: Include only the clip that has an exact match
  • 1: Include any clip that contains all of the specified objects
  • 2: Include any clip that contains any of the specified objects
  • 3: Include all clips that do not include any of the specified objects
includeParent(ip) boolean create
A toggle flag to use in conjunction with -dca/drivingClipsForObj. When toggled, parent clip is included in selection (the entire hierarchy will be selected).
mute(m) boolean createquery
Mute/unmute Time Editor.
selectedClips(sc) string create
Return a list of clip IDs of currently selected Time Editor clips. Arguments may be used to filter the returning result. An empty string will return clip IDs for all clip types:
  • roster
  • container
  • group
topLevelClips(tlc) string create
Return a list of all top-level clip IDs from the active composition. Arguments may be used to filter the returning result. An empty string will return clip IDs for all clip types:
  • roster
  • container
  • group

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds


# Get clip IDs of current selected group clips

# Get clip IDs of all selected clips

# Get all top-level group clip IDs in the active composition

# Recursively get all container clip IDs in the active composition

# Recursively get all clip IDs under the specified group clip (id=2)
cmds.timeEditor(allClips='', clipId=2)

# Get all group clips directly under the specified group clip (id=21)
cmds.timeEditor(topLevelClips='group', clipId=21)

# Find the common parent track of the given clip IDs
cmds.timeEditor(commonParentTrack=True, clipId=[1,2,3])