Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Python examples.
Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.
toolDropped is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable.
This command builds and executes the commands necessary to recreate the specified tool button. It is invoked when a tool is dropped on the shelf.None
import maya.cmds as cmds # Create move tool button and scale tool button in a new window cmds.window() cmds.columnLayout() cmds.toolCollection() cmds.toolButton( tool='moveSuperContext', toolImage1=('moveSuperContext', 'move_M.png') ) cmds.toolButton( tool='scaleSuperContext', toolImage1=('scaleSuperContext', 'scale_M.png') ) cmds.showWindow() # Drop select tool to the created window cmds.toolDropped('selectTool')