To control the thin client Simulation Compute Manager

The thin client Simulation Compute Manager is not started, automatically, upon installation.

(In the following instructions, inside simulation-computeX and vX, X should be replaced with SCM major release)


To start the Simulation Compute Manager enter this command at a terminal prompt:

$ <your install location>/opt/Autodesk/simulation-computeX/bin/SimulationCompute --daemon

The program starts as a background process, and control of the terminal is returned to you, immediately.


To stop the Simulation Compute Manager, directly kill the process id specified in the --pidfilename argument used to start the daemon.

Note: Do not stop the Simulation Compute Manager while analyses are running.

Configuration options

The Simulation Compute Manager configuration options are located in the file:

<your install location>/opt/Autodesk/simulation-computeX/bin/ComputeProvisioner.config.json


The Simulation Compute Manager logs its status, errors and warnings to a file located in this folder on each node:

<your install location>/Autodesk/SimulationCompute/vX/log

Storage folder

The Simulation Compute Manager maintains its database and temporary working space in the following location for each node on which it is running:

<your install location>/Autodesk/SimulationCompute/vX/database

Change this location by setting the environment variable SCM_DATAPATH to a different location prior to starting the Simulation Compute Manager. We recommend that you set a minimum mode of 0755 on any folder used for this purpose.

Installed products

The Simulation Compute Manager detects which products are available to it with ComputeProvisioner.config.json files placed in the folder:

<your install location>/opt/Autodesk/simulation-computeX/bin

You can edit the ComputeProvisioner.config.json file so that the path names match the location of the installed executables they refer to.