Smoothing Keys using Filters

This topic shows how to smooth keys using filters. To follow the instructions, download the file and script from

  1. Open the filters_butterworth.fbx file in MotionBuilder.

  2. Run the script to remove the noise in the FCurve. The FCurves appear smooth as shown in the following figure.

You can use the other filters in a similar way as explained in this topic. You need to do the following:

  1. Create a filter using FBFilterManager().CreateFilter ('<Filter’s Name>').
  2. Set the properties using lFilter.PropertyList.Find (‘<Property Name>').Data = <Property Value>.
  3. Set the start and stop time using lFilter.Start = FBTime(0, 0, 0, 15).
  4. Execute the filter using lFilter.Apply (<FCurve_Node_Object>, True).