Use the Edits pane to add, remove, clear, rename, import, or export edits.
Edits pane
The Edits pane contains the following buttons:
Adds an edit. An edit is a collection of tracks and their corresponding takes, cuts, and blends. Each edit has its own Result track and an independent memory of its start and end times.
A MotionBuilder scene can have any number of edits. By default, a new edit is named “Edit”. To rename an edit, double-click it, type in the name, and press Enter.
By adding more than one edit, you can have several versions of the same blends, which use different stabilizing, match selection, match pivot, and cut settings.
Deletes a selected edit.
Removes all tracks, cuts, and animation from the selected edit.
Let you import or export all selected edits as a .nle file. You can only import a .nle file that was exported using the Export button in the Edits pane.
When you export edits, all edits for your current scene are exported in one .nle file. You cannot export only one edit at a time if there is more than one edit in your scene.
Deletes all edits except for the default edit, which it clears.