Viewer window keyboard shortcuts

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts for working with the Viewer window.

Action Keyboard Shortcut
Select number of views Ctrl-1, 2, 3, or 4
Switch to full screen mode Alt-Enter
Switch to Perspective/Custom Ctrl-E
Switch/cycle to front/back Ctrl-F
Switch/cycle to right/left Ctrl-R
Switch/cycle to top/bottom Ctrl-T
Switch to/from Schematic view Ctrl-W
Camera switcher Ctrl-I
Frame selected objects F
Frame all objects A
Cycle Normal/Models Only/X-Ray mode Ctrl-A
Display performance statistics Shift-F
Display memory statistics Shift-M
Display cycle statistics Shift-D
Switch to Object selection O
Switch to Vertex selection (When Skins window is open) V
Switch to Pivot Selection Shift-O
Switch to Parenting mode P
Find models by name Shift-N
Pan camera Shift-drag
Slide camera Shift-right-drag
Dolly camera Ctrl-drag
Dolly camera with interest Ctrl-right-drag
Orbit camera around interest Ctrl-Shift-drag
Orbit interest around camera Ctrl-Shift-right-drag
Zoom camera Z-drag
Roll custom camera R-drag
Roll custom camera (15 degree increments) R-right-drag