Units and Transform Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to adjust the units and file transforms for the 3D file selected in the Selection Tree or the currently opened 2D sheet.

Note: You can only adjust units and transforms for one 3D file or 2D sheet at a time.

Model Units


Lets you choose the units for the loaded 3D model.

Sheet Units


Lets you choose the units for the loaded 2D sheet.



Enter the X, Y, and Z coordinate values to move the file geometry into this position.

Note: Z coordinate values are not available for 2D sheets.

Reflected Transform

Select this check box if you use a negative scale for your transform.

Note: Reflected Transform is not available for 2D sheets.


Enter the rotation angle.

Select the rotation axis by entering values greater than 0. The model or sheet geometry rotates about its origin point. Positive numbers rotate the model or sheet counterclockwise; negative numbers rotate model or sheet clockwise.


Enter the scaling factor around X, Y, and Z axis for the file geometry; 1 being the current size, 0.5 half, 2 being double and so on. To scale proportionally, ensure the X, Y and Z scale values are equal. Entering negative values flips the file geometry inside out.

Note: Negative scale values cannot be used on 2D sheets. Also Z coordinate values are not available for 2D sheets.

Shortcut menu: 3D model: Right-click the desired item in the Selection Tree, and click Units and Transform on the context menu

Shortcut menu: 2D sheet: Right-click the sheet in the Scene View, and click Units and Transform on the context menu