Use the options on this page to customize the SteeringWheels menus.
Specifies the size of big wheels. You can choose from the following options:
Normal is the default option.
Controls the opacity level of big wheels. The default value is 50%. You can choose from the following options:
Specifies the size of mini wheels. You can choose from the following options:
Normal is the default option.
Controls the opacity level of mini wheels. The default value is 50%. You can choose from the following options:
Toggles the display of tooltips for navigation tools. When this check box is selected, the tooltips are shown below the cursor as you use the tools.
Toggles the display of wheel tooltips. When this check box is selected, the tooltips are shown when you hover over wedges on the wheels.
Toggles the display of tool label below the cursor.
Selecting this check box swaps the up-down axis for the Look tool; that is pushing the mouse forward looks down, and pulling the mouse backward looks up.
Selecting this check box makes the Walk Tool respect the world up vector (as set in File Options > Orientation). As a result, using the Walk tool causes the camera to snap to the current up vector.
When this check box is clear, the Walk tool disregards the world up vector, and the camera is walked with its current up orientation unaffected.
When this check box is selected, the Walk tool will respect the Viewpoint Linear Speed setting. In this case, the Walk speed slider will act like a multiplier.
When this check box is clear, the Walk tool will work independently of the Viewpoint Linear Speed setting, using a fixed value set with the slider.
Sets the speed of the Walk tool from 0.1 (very slow) to 10 (very fast).
When this check box is selected, single clicking over the Zoom wedge increases the magnification of the model. When this check box is clear, nothing happens when you single click over the Zoom wedge.
When this check box is selected, the camera moves around the focal point of the model with orbiting constrained along the XY axis and in the Z direction.
When this check box is clear, the Orbit tool behaves similarly to the legacy Examine mode, and you can roll the model around the pivot point.
When this check box is selected, the objects selected before the Orbit tool are used to calculate the pivot point to use for orbiting. The pivot point is calculated based on the center of the extents of the selected objects.