Selection Page

Use the options on this page to configure the way geometry objects are selected, and highlighted.

Pick Radius

Specifies the radius, in pixels, that an item has to be within in order for it to be selected.


Specifies the level of selection used by default.

When you click in the Scene View, Navisworks requires a starting point for the object path in the Selection Tree box to identify the selected item. You can choose one of the following options:

Compact Tree

Specifies the level of detail shown on the Compact option of the Selection Tree.

Use one of the following options:



Indicates whether Navisworks highlights the selected items in the Scene View.

Clear this check box if you don’t want to highlight selected items.


Specifies how the objects are highlighted. Select one of the following options:


Click to specify the highlight color.

Tint Level (%)

Use the slider to adjust the tint level.