Recording the pmuser macro

The pmuser.mac is automatically run whenever you start PowerMill providing you with your preferred settings.

  1. Click File tab > Options > Reset forms. This ensures that PowerMill uses the default parameters in the dialogs.
  2. In the Explorer, right click Macros , select Record.
  3. Browse to pmill4 folder in your Home area. In the Select Record Macro File dialog, enter pmuser in the File name box, and click Save. If you are asked whether you want to overwrite the existing file, select Yes.

    The macro icon changes to red to show recording is in progress. All dialog options that you want to include in your macro must be selected during its recording. If an option already has the desired value, re-enter it.

  4. Set up your preferences. For example:
    1. From the NC Programs menu, select Preferences.
    2. In the NC Preferences dialog, select a Machine Option File (for example, heid.pmoptz).
    3. Click Close.
    4. Click Home tab > Toolpath Setup panel > Toolpath Connections to display the Toolpath connections dialog.
    5. Select the Safe area tab.
    6. Enter a Rapid Height of 10 and Plunge Height of 5.
    7. Click Accept.
  5. From the Macros context menu, select Stop to finish recording.
  6. Expand the Macros node. The pmuser.mac macro is added under pmill4.
  7. Close and then restart PowerMill to check that the settings from the pmuser macro are activated.