The items on the
Dynamic Machine Control tab compliment the use of the grab-handles. For more information about using the grab-handles, see
Repositioning the machine tool interactively.
Click Toolpath Edit tab > Edit panel > Dynamic Machine Control to display the
Dynamic Machine Control
Note: Dynamic machine control functionality is available for all tools. All of the functionality is available for: ball nosed, tip radiused, end mill, barrel, tapered spherical and tapered tip tools. For other tools, functionality is limited.
This tab contains the following:
Tool panel
- Select the tool you want to simulate from the list. This enables you to simulate an alternative tool to the one used by the current toolpath. If the cutting geometry of the alternative tool is the same as the original tool, you can click Dynamic Machine Control tab > Edit panel > Update Toolpath to update the toolpath to use the alternative tool.
Tool Axis Controls panel
- Active Workplane Graphics — Click to display the grab-handles aligned to the active workplane.
- Machine Tool Graphics — Click to display the grab-handles aligned to the axes of the machine tool.
- Tool Positioning graphics — Click so you can simultaneously move the machine tool in the X, Y, and Z axes of the active workplane.
Settings panel
- Settings — Click to display the
Dynamic machine control mode dialog. The dialog enables you to specify the tool orientation (position and axis), as well as increment values to restrict the movement of the tool's rotary axes.
- Machine Tool Position — Click to display the
Machine Tool Position dialog. The
Machine Tool Position dialog displays the position of each machine tool axis. You can use the dialog for reference purposes and to jog the machine tool's axes by using the dialog's interactive features.
- Tool Position — Click to display the
Tool Position dialog. The
Tool Position dialog displays the coordinates of the tool that is currently being simulated. The coordinates update as you simulate a toolpath, or edit the position of the machine tool.
Edit panel
- Update Toolpath — Click to update the toolpath with the new machine tool position.
After updating the toolpath, you must check the toolpath for collisions using the
Toolpath verification function.
Update Toolpath button is unavailable if you are using a tool with a non-spherical tool tip, or you are editing a 5-axis toolpath. In this case, enter the new tool position (displayed in the
Dynamic machine control dialog) in the toolpath's strategy dialog.
- Select Regions — Click to display the
Select Edit Region dialog. Use this dialog to specify the area of the toolpath you want to edit.
- Update Selected Regions — Click to update the toolpath in the selected region with any changes.
- Interpolate Tool Axis in Regions — Click to blend the change in tool-axis orientation over a selected region. The selected region must contain at least two different tool axis orientations.
History panel
- Undo — Select to revert to what it was before the last change.
- Redo — Select to reinstate the edit you have just undone.
Validity panel
- Nearest Valid Position — If you move the machine tool beyond its physical limits, you can click this button so that
PowerMill moves the tool to the nearest valid position.
Status panel
PowerMill displays one of these icons if there is an issue. The icon displayed depends on the severity of the issue. Hover the cursor over the icon for more information.
Finish panel
- Accept — Click to accept changes and close the Dynamic Machine Control tab.
- Cancel — Click to close the Dynamic Machine Control tab without saving changes.