Creating a spun profile example

To extract a profile curve from a model:

  1. In the Explorer, right-click Patterns and select Curve Editor.
  2. Click Curve Editor tab > Create panel > Curves > Spun Profile.
  3. The Spun Profile dialog is displayed.

  4. Select an option from the Axis of Rotation list to specify which axis of the active workplane to revolve around.
  5. To change the position of the rotation origin, click Switch to position mode in the Origin area.
  6. Enter the coordinates of the rotational axis origin, or select it in the graphics window.
  7. Under Surface, click Surface selection mode .
  8. Select surfaces in the graphics window from which you want to create curves, or select nothing to use all available surfaces.
  9. Move your cursor over the icon to display information about which surfaces are selected.
  10. Click Create to create the curve and close the dialog.

Note: If this does not work correctly, ensure the correct principal editing plane is selected.