Use the Arc Editor dialog to edit an arc or circle. To display the Arc Editor dialog, double-click on an arc when the Curve Editor tab is displayed.
This dialog contains the following:
- Radius/Diameter — Select either Radius or Diameter to specify if the value you enter in the adjacent field is the radius or the diameter of the arc or circle.
- — Enter the radius or diameter of the arc or circle.
- Span angle — This displays the span of the arc in degrees.
Span angle — 135:
Span angle — 270
- Make full arc — Click to convert an arc to a circle.
Converts this:
to this:
- Reverse the arc — Click to reverse the direction of the selected arc.
Converts this:
to this:
- Workspace — Choose a workspace (world, workplane, or relative workspace) to edit the arc.
- Centre — Enter the coordinates of the arc centre.
- Lock arc centre — When unlocked , enables the arc centre to move. When locked , fixes the location of the arc centre.
- Through — Enter the coordinates of a point on the circumference of the circle.
- Centre / Through position — Click to use the Position dialog to enter the coordinates.
Note: You can still graphically edit the arc whilst the Arc Editor dialog is displayed, but you cannot deselect the arc or select anything else.