Position - Cartesian

The Cartesian tab of the Position dialog displays the coordinates of the entity location. To specify the location, you can either:

This page contains the following:

Workspace — Select which workspace you are working in.

Current Plane —Select one of the three principal planes. The current plane is relative to the selected Workspace option.

X, Y, Z — Specifiesthe coordinates which can be typed or selected from the graphics window.

Locks —Locks specific X, Y, or Z coordinates to prevent you from editing it. Click the button to toggle between Locked and Unlocked

Unlock all limits — Click this button to unlock all the locked parameters.

The locks on the Polar and Cartesian pages are not independent. For example, if the angle is locked to 45 with XY as the current plane, and you change X, Y changes to maintain the lock.

Become origin —The point defined becomes the item origin. Any relative coordinates are then measured from this origin.