Use the Scale toolbar to scale the size of the selected curves in the graphics window.
To display the Scale toolbar, click Curve Editor tab > Edit panel > Transformations > Scale.
This toolbar contains the following:
- Move origin — When selected, you can move the origin graphically by dragging or by entering coordinates using , , or and in the Status bar. Keep original — Select whether the entities are copied or replaced when transformed.
- Replace original — When displayed, the original entities are replaced with the transformed ones.
- Keep original — When displayed, keeps both the original and transformed entities.
- Scale — Enter the scaling factor.
- X scale unlocked — When displayed, enables scaling in the X direction.
- X scale locked — When displayed, disables scaling in the X direction.
- Y scale unlocked — When displayed, enables scaling in the Y direction.
- Y scale locked — When displayed, disables scaling in the Y direction.
- Z scale unlocked — When displayed, enables scaling in the Z direction.
- Z scale locked — When displayed, disables scaling in the Z direction.
- Move origin — When selected, you can move the origin graphically by dragging or by entering coordinates using , , or and in the Status bar.
- Finish — Click to accept the changes and close the toolbar.
For more information, see the scale example.