Functions tab

Use the Functions tab to enter expressions using functions.

The result of a logical expression is 0 or 1, where 0 is false and 1 is true. You can combine buttons to give more operators.

Each logical operator is discussed below.

A == B outputs 1 if A equals B and 0 otherwise

A != B outputs 1 if A does not equal B and 0 otherwise

A < B outputs 1 if A is less than B and 0 otherwise

A <= B outputs 1 if A is less or equal to B and 0 otherwise

A > B outputs 1 if A is greater than B and 0 otherwise

A >= B outputs 1 if A is greater or equal to B and 0 otherwise

A AND B outputs 1 if A and B are true and 0 otherwise

A OR B outputs 1 if either A or B is true and 0 otherwise

! A outputs 1 if A is false and 0 if true. This is known as the not operator.

test ? result_true : result_false if test is true then output result_true otherwise output result_false.

Example 1

a>=b ? a+b : a-b

This outputs a+b if a>=b and a-b if a<b.

Example 2

a= (b>20)?10:((b>30)?20:30)

This example uses a nested expression to determine the value of a, based on the value of b

if b > 20 then

a = 10

else if (b > 30) then

a = 20


a = 30

Min — This determines the minimum value of a list of values in the expression.

The list of values in the expression must be of the form:

A1; A2; … ; AN

Max — This determines the maximum value of a list of values in the expression.

The list of values in the expression must be of the form:

A1; A2; … ; AN